Summoning every ounce of strength within her, Tiya kissed Karan's cheek tenderly, her lips lingering for a moment against his skin before she rose from her seat. "I will go use the washroom," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

With one last lingering look at her handsome husband, a bittersweet smile tugging at her lips, Tiya turned and walked away, her footsteps echoing hollowly in the empty space around her. And as she left the cafe behind, she knew in her heart that she would never look back, for she was finally letting go of something that was never truly hers to hold.

As Tiya walked out of the cafe through the back door, the weight of her emotions pressing down on her like a heavy burden, she felt her legs grow weak beneath her. Collapsing to her knees on the cold pavement, she buried her face in her hands and allowed herself to finally let go.

Tears streamed down her cheeks unchecked, her sobs wracking her body as the pain and sorrow threatened to consume her whole. The world around her faded into a blur as she cried out the anguish and heartbreak that had been building inside her for so long.

A passerby, noticing her distress, approached cautiously. "Ma'am, are you okay?" they asked, their voice filled with concern.

Tiya nodded wordlessly, unable to find the strength to speak. Slowly, she pushed herself up from the ground, wiping away her tears with trembling hands. With a deep breath, she steadied herself and forced her legs to move forward, one step at a time.

As she stumbled towards the street, a car pulled up beside her, its window rolling down to reveal a person she had been waiting for. Without a word, Tiya climbed into the passenger seat, her heart heavy with the weight of her decision.

As the car pulled away from the curb, Tiya glanced back at the cafe one last time, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and resignation. She knew that she was leaving behind a part of herself, but she also knew that it was time to move forward, to let go of the pain and embrace the unknown that lay ahead. And as the city streets blurred by outside the window, Tiya braced herself for the journey that awaited her, knowing that she was finally taking the first steps towards a new beginning. The sweet dream was over. It was time to wake up.

As Karan scrolled through his phone, engrossed in replying to emails, he waited patiently for his wife to return. The soft sound of approaching footsteps disrupted his concentration, causing him to look up in surprise.

Standing before him, in a knee-length purple dress that used to captivate him, was Sanjana. Memories of their shared past flooded his mind, but instead of evoking any stirring emotions, they left him feeling strangely numb.

Sanjana placed her purse on the table and took a seat across from him, her presence casting a shadow of confusion over him. "Hi, Karan. Long time no see," she greeted warmly, a smile playing on her lips.

Karan was taken aback by her sudden appearance, his mind grappling with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. "Uh... hi, Sanjana," he managed to reply, his tone guarded.

"How are you, Karan?" Sanjana asked, her smile widening as she observed him closely.

"Been good," Karan replied curtly, his gaze avoiding hers.

Sanjana nodded in understanding, her demeanour unfazed by his aloofness. "Why are you here?" Karan questioned, his confusion evident in his voice.

“See, I am on a date with my wife. She will be back anytime,” Karan added. All this while he thought he was still having feelings for Sanjana. But now that she was here in front of him after so many years. He felt nothing. He couldn't deny the sense of relief that washed over him. The realisation that his feelings for Sanjana had long since faded brought a strange sense of liberation.

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