Even if Elsa couldn't understand the reason behind his song, even if she will mistook it as him being good at singing because she was competent teacher, even if she thought that he was just that into his role, he just needed her to hear his heart. At least for that moment. Even if it might never reach her the way he wanted it to.

He sang as though he really did have the right to call her so as he picked her up, twirled and put her down to stare into her eyes;

[My darling, what a dreary dreadful night]

She replied, her oceans eyes oddly bright at that moment as she searched his gaze;

[My love, your words cut through me like a knife]

She reached up to cup his jaw, singing the next words as if making a promise of eternities. One that he echoed to her like an oath that he knew he'll never break for as long as he's allowed to exist and perhaps even beyond, giving it to her like a Knight would his Queen;

[When I'm six feet below your feet; I'll wait for you, my sweet]

He brushed his knuckles against her cheek, his words louder than hers, truly promising what he did not dare to say out loud even knowing that it might not be returned;

[I'll wait for you, my sweet]

When the music trailed to a stop, it was as if a spell had been broken as they pulled away to bow to the audience and acted as if it was really just a performance. Not knowing what goes deep in the heart of their partner. While Danny resigned to a love that might never be returned, Elsa was confused by what she thought she saw in his gaze that held a ghostly glow within the depth of his ice blues.

After they had done their part, they walked out of the hall to wander around the school. Elsa stopped by her locker to take out her lunch bag. As they headed for their usual picnic bench by the trees of the school, Elsa silently opened the back to spread out lunch. Danny gladly dig in to fill up his hunger. She watched as he ate. At that moment, Tucker's voice reached them.

He plopped down across from the two, "What was that on the stage? I thought that you're going to do some musicals parody or something!"

Danny shrugged, "Apparently dancing and singing were lot harder than we thought. I really have to give it to those people who can do that for a living live on stage,"

Sam sat next to Tucker, addressing Elsa, "You would make a great Goth,"

Elsa smiled at her, "I do not think so. I happened to like colors and life too much to fit a Goth's aesthetic,"

Sam hummed, "I guess so. I didn't think that blonds would make for a nice color on Goths," She pointed at the hair, "Nice veil, by the way,"

Elsa nodded at the compliment before looking at her, "I noticed that your parents are both blonds,"

Sam nodded, "Yeah. That was originally my hair color that I was born with but I thought that blond is too happy a color for me and not Goth enough," She looked at Elsa's hair, "Then again, your blond is cooler in tone than mine. Mine looked like yellow daisies...last I looked at the roots," She then asked, "Why Morticia, though? Also, who chose that song? It's perfect for a Goth wedding,"

Elsa pointed at Danny who was playing thumb wrestle with Tucker. The boys stopped to see the girls watching them and Danny asked, "What?"

Tucker winced, "Dude! Ow! Ever heard of nail clippers!?"

Danny quickly looked down, "Damn. Sorry, Tuck. The claws just kept coming back," He looked at his friend's thumb, "You alright?"

Tucker nodded before pulling that thumb into his mouth, "Just a little nick. Hardly bleed,"

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