He smiled, "But I am not allowed to love her back,"

Elsa studied his face, understanding from the little he told her, long ago, "Did you tell her why?"

He shrugged, "You told me to give her closure. I realized that she at least deserve that so I clued her in,"

Elsa sighed, "Is this my fault then?"

He quickly shook his head, "No! No...this isn't your fault, Elsa. I could have given her a lie to close this chapter we once shared. But I didn't. I was...vindictive. Cruel. I wanted her hurt. Hurt in the way that I once was," He dropped his head, sighing, "I couldn't hurt her physically...so I hurt her emotionally. I thought I should feel sorry. But I don't," He smiled bitterly at her, "I'm such a horrible guy, huh?"

Elsa asked him, "Did you really have to do it that way?"

Danny shook his head, "I tried stopping myself...that was why I didn't say anything. I knew that I will really try to hurt her if I give in. But even that part of me...could not hold back the sum of me forever," It was a dead part of him, after all. He looked at her, "Ghosts are vengeful beings. Emotional. We feel deeply. Otherwise, it won't be an Obsession,"

Elsa finally stood up and walked towards him. Looking up at her as she walked down, illuminated by the streetlights, Danny felt something in him crack and reform over and over. He cannot help but tremble as she reached him. She looked at him with a conflicted gaze. Clearly, she was trying to compromise the part of her that understood his ghost side and the part of her that held human decency. In the end, she told him, "As a living human being, and a girl, I cannot agree with your actions. But as your friend...and someone who heard your side of the story, I do not dare to condemn you. You have the right to feel what you feel and so does she. That is all I can say about this matter," She reached for his hand and he met her halfway, "Danny...I do not know if I will ever feel the things that she felt. And should such thing that happened to her happened to me, I do not know if I could handle it as well as you did. Perhaps I would be crueler. Perhaps I won't,"

Danny felt something squeeze inside when she mentioned feeling such a thing like romantic love that Sam once felt. One part of him pounded with anticipation. Another part bared its fangs to an unknown enemy. It was then, as she turned her head up to look at him, artificial lights glittering like stars in her ocean eyes, and he felt an urge to claim her berry red lips, he knew.

Holy mother of crackers, he understood what he had been trying to ignore.

It suddenly made a lot more sense. This need to cling close to her. This need to visit her when she slept and sleep in the same room as her. The strange need to track her every movement and to know her position always. It was so familiar yet so alien. It was like when he first felt the stirring of young love with Sam but so much deeper...and darker. Suddenly, Vlad's creepy Obsession about his mother makes sense. As horrifying as that thought was, it made absolute sense to Danny.

Ghost haunted the things that they loved.

They lingered, clung, stalked, and hungered for the person they loved. They would do anything, destroy anyone, to keep their loved one all to themselves.

Ghosts were of the most honest of humanity as well as the most barbaric of humanity.

He gulped as he absentmindedly listened as Elsa asked if he still wanted to learn how to waltz, something that he agreed to wholeheartedly because it meant that he can get to touch her, he let her guide his hands where to hold and let her guide his movements and steps as they went through the motion slowly with a tempo that she kept by her humming.

When did it happened?

How did it happened?

He didn't know and somehow he could hardly care. Suddenly, his core felt too large inside him but at the same time he had never felt more content or alive. His limbs felt as if he was swimming in syrup. And even though his feet were firmly on the ground, he felt as if he was soaring.

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