Ghost Zone's Most Wanted...Bachelor

Start from the beginning

She was sucked into the Dispenser in his free hand before she could do anything more.

He laid flat on his back, switching back to Fenton as he did.

He groaned as he rubbed his face and furiously scratched at his head, "What in the fudge muffin was that?!"

"Well, that was interesting,"

Danny sat up but the speed of him sitting caused his head to swim so he ended up lying back down. He groaned, "Ugh. What do you want, fruitloop?"

Plasmius switched back to Masters and Vlad sat beside him, "I did not come to cause trouble,"

Danny glared, "Please excuse me if I don't believe that,"

Vlad pulled a face, "I am not dumb to fight someone that kept getting visits from the likes of the ghosts that owned doors and survive,"

Danny frowned, "You get visits too?"

Vlad sighed, "I did. Once. And once was enough to convince me that dealing with them was not worth my life and fortunately enough, they spared me because I was just not worth it," He looked at Danny, "Honestly, little badger, how did you keep surviving them was beyond me. I was sure you would die when the first one showed up. The explosion of power wasn't something I'll forget anytime soon,"

Danny studied the man. One thing about Vlad was that the man knew his limitations well. He was curious though, "Why would them visiting me caused you to back off?"

Vlad looked at him in disbelief, "Daniel ("It's Danny"), they put their claim on you as when you survived them, you earned their respect. If I try anything with you, they will tear me apart and scatter my limbs to Ancients know where. I am a survivor, not a suicidal idiot," He gestured, "Why do you think my attacks on you were nothing more child's play these days. I couldn't be serious. You have enough strength to make them back off when you really let go. Do you honestly think that I, with my proven limit, can challenge that?"

Danny quirked a brow, "So are you going to stop creeping on my mom?"

Vlad sneered, "Your mother is part of my Obsession, I'm afraid. There is little I can do about that. The most I can do is not attack that buffoon you call father," He looked at Danny, "However...should you ever need a place to hide from them, my door is open,"

Danny scowled at the offer, mumbling, "I know better than to go to you,"

Hair like white flames, skin green from death, eyes blazing red...

"I am inevitable!!"

He blinked away the hulking monster of his despair away from his eyes. He then looked at Vlad, "Do you know why the female ghosts are acting weird?"

Vlad rolled his eyes, "You are akin to a heartthrob celebrity in the Ghost Zone at the moment. If you don't find a lair or something to Bond with, they will keep chasing you," He stood up and transformed, "Basically, you are a the ghost's version of Most Wanted Bachelor,"

Danny gagged, "I'm a minor!"

Vlad raised a brow, "And they are dead. Age mean nothing to them,"

With that, the jerk flew off. Danny slumped on the room, wondering just what was going on with him. The frigid fury he felt when Valerie chased him was both familiar and not. Now that he's calmer, he was a little shocked by his death threat towards Valerie. He wondered, " I becoming...him?"

But that cannot be it. He existed because of Danny's despair and Vlad's inherent darkness being combined into one. Thinking back, he had wondered by He was so intent at destroying everything. It took him months to realized that He was just doing what his Obsession demanded of Him. Protect. Except instead of like Danny who Protected others, He was just Protecting Himself from further harm.

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