Chapter 10: Truths

Start from the beginning

Part of me still hopes for Amelia to be here instead of the twins but, it's a very small part that I'm sure is wrong. Nessa perking up in my mind has made that clear.

The microwave beeping pulls me from my thoughts. I try to ignore the front door opening as I press the big button, popping the door open.

My heart pounds in my chest as three sets of footprints enter the kitchen behind me, but I focus on stirring the seasoning into my noodles. It isn't until someone clears their throat that I turn to look at them.

Damn, I am not the only one who had trouble sleeping last night. The twins both have bags under their eyes and Cameron is definitely paler than usual. It's hard for me to decide whether or not this makes me happy. On one hand, I want them to be as miserable as I am. On the other, they're my mates.

"Well," Luca says awkwardly, rocking back on his heels, "I'll leave you guys to it." He turns and walks out the door.


My arms cross over my chest defensively. I lean back against the counter, refusing to speak first. When the boys are silent, the feeling of their guilt radiating through me, I get tired of waiting and move to the table with my cup of noodles.

Chris acts first, crossing the room and sitting across from me. His brother follows suit, also remaining silent.

"Why are you here?" I ask, irritated that I had to break the silence.

Cameron folds his hands in front of him on the table, "To apologize. Bring you home." His thumb rubs over his knuckles nervously as he tries to get his point across.

I roll my eyes, looking down to my lap. "I am home."

"We know," Chris cuts in, "but we were hoping that you'd consider moving into the pack house. You can even have your own room, if you want." he offers, his eyes desperate, almost pleading with my own.

My teeth dig into my lower lip habitually as I think through his words. "Why even ask? It's not like you won't talk me into it if I disagree, or take it upon yourselves to move in here if I refuse." It's a fair question. They've never asked anything of me without having a back up plan to get their way.

"Because we realized that it should be up to you." Cameron speaks this time. My eyes snap to him, "I'm sorry, baby, I never should have yelled at you. You were right to be upset with us. We hid our motives from you and went behind your back. We thought we were helping you but we obviously weren't."

Well, I have to admit, this is not what I was expecting. I pretty much thought they were going to walk in here and tell me that it's time to stop throwing a fit and come back to the pack house. I can't believe that they're seemingly leaving this up to me.

I'm still suspicious. "What are you gonna do if I say no?" They look to each other. "No." I say, pulling their attention back to me. "Don't look at each other. You guys are not a team, not when it comes to me. Not anymore. I want individual, unfiltered answers because you are individual people."

Chris' nose twitches as he fights the urge to look at his brother for what to do next. "I-I don't know about Cam but, I didn't sleep last night. With our bond strained, I can't eat or sleep. But if you decide not to come back to the pack house then, I would respect that. I would leave here and wait for whatever you to decide that you want to do moving forward. Even though it would really suck, I would do it for you." His voice is fragile, tired and wavering as he speaks.

My eyes close when the familiar sting takes over. I don't know if it's the exhaustion or the combined affect of me and Nessa's hormones and emotion but, I've spent a majority of the last 24 hours crying. It'd be fair to say that I'm very sick of it. If I have to wipe anymore tears off of my raw cheeks then I might just give up and let the tears take over.

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