A Visit To The Castle Part 2

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The next day Dino had made it to the meeting spot that was on the note. He looked around a bit expecting to see Vernon but instead he saw all of the kings sitting at a large table. Vernon was the first to notice him as he waved him over. Dino walked over and bowed before handing Vernon a letter with a polite smile before booking it out of the cafe and onto a shuttle bus.

Vernon smiled and opened the letter reading it outloud for the others to hear since they were the only one's in the cafe.

"Dear Mr. Vernon. While I do appreciate your love for 'From Persephone' by Kiki Rockwell I must say that I prefer 'can't sleep love' by the group Pentatonix as it has an upbeat and vibrant feeling to it which is something I cannot ignore. Though i must say you do have excellent taste in music. That shouldn't be ignored. Maybe we can exchange playlists. I put my instagram at the bottom of the paper since I don't answer normal text messages. I was rushing to write this letter because I have a family event to attend at exactly 3:00 pm so it's short. But have a good day! -Lee Chan A.K.A Dino :))))"

Vernon smiled and typed the boys instagram account into his phone and followed the account before he went on Spotify and copied the link to his favorite playlist and sent it to Dino who immediately sent a link back in return.

Vernon and Dino had continued talking through instagram and their main way of communicating was making a playlist specifically for the other and changing the title to a song they wanted to listen to. And that soon became the way all of the kings communicated. Well until they had gotten his twitter account and would frequently put random memes or questions in his comment section.

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And from then on they would meet up for dates or just to hang out and as the years went by their love grew more and more and eventually they got married and built a family together and continued to love each other till the very end.

A/N:This was very rushed but I hope you guys enjoyed it! Thank you all for all of the support once again! Feel free to message me privately or ask in the comments if there's anything you want to know or simply if you want to request something! I can't promise to do all of them because of school and my own mental problems but I can promise to try!

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