an actual fanfic part?!

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Infected sat down just outside the house, on the grass. Lampert leant against the wall, not wanting to get any germs on him from the floor. It had been a good few hours since the party had begun, so it was getting to be a bit dark out.

the two stared up at the stars, to Lampert, this was much better than any party. Getting to spend his night watching the sky with his.. best friend was quite comforting to him.
"hey, infected?" He glanced down at the skater beside him.
"hM?" infected smiled and looked to him.
Lampert thought for a moment before sliding down the wall and dropping to sit next to infected.
"you probably wont remember this, but before you got sick, we used to spend a lot of time together like this." He played with his thumbs and stared at the ground.
"w@tCh1ng Th3 St4rs?" Infected looked back up at the sky.
Lampert nodded and looked up too. "yeah. You'd come over to my house, when I still lived with my dad of course, and somehow convince me to sneak out," he laughed quietly, "then we'd lay in the garden, or a field, just watching them. It-.. it was one of my favourite parts of the day." he turned back to infected, bulb glowing slightly as he felt himself start to blush in 'embarrassment' for sharing this.

Infected looked back at him once more. "I.. d0Nt R3m3Mb3r..." he sighed, "buT 1 w1sh 1 d1d. Th4t s0Unds r34lLy n1cE." he tucked some of his hair behind his ear and held his knees close to his chest with one arm, leaning his head on them.

Lampert smiled softly, feeling an aching feeling in his chest, wishing he could share those memories with Kasper again.
"it was nice." he rested one of his hands as close to Infecteds as he could without them touching, wanting to hold his hand but not wanting to touch it at the same time. Not because of Infecteds sickness, but because he was scared of feeling the way he did with Kasper again, scared that if he grew attached like he had before, he would just lose it all again.

and then, someone else stepped out the door..


For most of the party, Wallter had been sat by himself. He couldn't properly stand in the house very well without almost hitting his head, so he chose not to stand at all.
And he couldn't just leave, Mark would think it was because he was there, then he would boast about it to everyone, Wallter could just imagine it..

"that brick boy left because he was scared of me!"


"har! I can't believe he couldn't handle being in a room with me!"

oh, how he had started hating him. He hated how easily Mark could be so eccentric in front of people, how he could just talk and talk.. how he liked wood!
Wallter sighed and stood up, he made his away over to the table Poob had insisted would be used for all the food and drinks, despite it looking like it was going to collapse at any moment.
He took a can of grey stuff, opened it, and sipped it quietly as he made his way back to his seat. But he bumped into someone while on his way over.

"ah..! sorry—" he looked down at who it was, "oh. its you."
Mark rubbed his head in pain for a moment, "yer lucky I don't take off my hat! you could give me a concussion with how brick-like you are!" he grumbled.

"if you just watched where you were going, I wouldn't have bumped into you."

"oh so its my fault?!"

"I didn't see you because you're so short, maybe if you did something about that, I would've. so yes, its your fault, Mark."

"HEY GUYS!! Please dont argue!" Poob quickly rushed up to them, he smiled awkwardly.
"he could've seriously hurt me! that man is a safety hazard, ya hear?!" Mark folded his arms.
"oh, please. You could give someone a splinter via a simple handshake." Wallter frowned. He thought for a moment before starting to feel a weird feeling. He always felt it when he was around Mark for too long, but could never pinpoint what was causing it, or what it was.
"I shouldn't even be talking to you." he walked past Mark and sat back down in his seat.

REGRETEVATOR GC !!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon