Happy Hours

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Loki was sitting in the dining table. He and Thor were enjoying their dinner. Loki looked at Thor watching the stupid show on T.V. He smiled softly. All the menaces they had been through lately, Loki couldn't thank the norns enough for giving them this second chance at life ... here in New Asgard - He , his brother, Val and other Asgardians, rebuilding their lives all over again. Thanos ...was gone. Thank the norns for that. This is what Loki always wanted. To be beside his brother's loving embrace, loving and guiding him with all his heart.

" Loki ... I can feel you staring at me" Thor says, smirking.

Loki lowers his eyes quickly. Shit. That oaf noticed.
" Uhm..I was just thinking.." Loki changed the topic quickly.." Movie night today?"

Thor suddenly went stiff. After being diagnosed with his ailment , it was doctor's orders that he doesn't do a late night. He has to take his meds and go early to bed. Loki had been insisting on movie night for a long time now. Damn. Thor didn't want to make his brother feel left out. Not again. He won't commit the mistakes of the past and risk losing his brother to his inner demons again. But he can't stay late either.

Thor yawns. He hopes that's signal enough for his little brother. " Loki, I a-

" Tired" , Loki completed his sentence. " I can understand Thor. Go to bed. You need the rest." He gives his brother the purest smile ever.

Loki's smile makes a hard knot in Thor's chest. His brother's smile reminds him of their childhood. Two brothers...playing in their mother's garden..carefree.. full of love..free from worries..

Thor quickly wipes his eyes when Loki turned around . " Alright brother..Good night." Thor said, ready to leave.

" Brother.."

Thor stops. " Yes Loki?"

" Is something bothering you?" Loki asks concerned.

Thor's hands clench. " Why are you asking ?"

" You don't look well..plus you stiffened when I asked about movie-"

" There is nothing wrong " Thor lied, forcing a smile.

" Brother-"

" Good night, Loki" Thor quickly turned away from his brother to hide the tears forming in his eyes.


Thor lays down upon his bed . Tears start running down his cheeks. The God of thunder was diagnosed with brain cancer 1 month ago. It was due to the power stone exposure when Thanos attacked him. Each day brings him nearer to Valhalla. Away from Loki.

LOKI. His brother. His little baby brother. Who loved him immensely and whom he loved more than his life. Loki would kill for him and he knew he would do the same too. But one thing he couldn't muster up the courage to do was to tell him about his illness. To tell him that his big brother's life is constantly being cut short...to tell him to be ready to live without him ...no , it would drive Loki mad with grief. And Thor couldn't bear that. Thor could never bear that. His little brother has suffered enough. He will not suffer more. He will know the truth one day. Let it be secret till then.


Loki couldn't sleep. Something was damn wrong with Thor. He 's never been so pale before. It's as if each day he gets paler and paler. And he hasn't been this secretive too. Loki had a gut feeling that something was wrong. They connected just like that.

No. Loki wouldn't let any harm befall his brother. If Thor wouldn't tell him..he will find out what's wrong himself.

Thor and Loki - Brotherly Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now