This is bit bad timing

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I sat on the floor. I looked at my hands. I am with child. With a child! I won't tell Dwalin. If I do I'll be locked up when the war is up. I sighed and put my head in my hands. "Aunt?"Fili's quiet voice asked. "Yes?"I asked softly. He sat next to me so I leant to him. "Are you okay?"he asked draping arm around me. I just nodded. "Fili?" "Hmm" "I love you"I whispered. "I love you too aunt"he said quetly. I loved both of my nephews dearly if I lose them I'll lose two stars from my life. "Thorin is letting Dain get slaughtered"he then said. "Can I tell you something?"he nodded. "Dain is halfwit. I'm not really fond of him. But still I do not hope him to have that faith"I explained. "Dwalin is talking to him"he whispered. I nodded standing up. "I'll go too"I said. I took a deep breath and went to the throne room. Dwalin was just exiting it. I ran to him. "How did it go?"I asked. "Something in his eyes flickered away for a second then came back"he whispered. I nodded and hugged him. "We'll figure this out"I whispered kissing softly. "Now I'll try"I said. "No no no. I don't let you. He could hurt you"he insisted. "He's my brother. I'll do anything to get him back to himself"I told. "Just be careful"I just nodded standing on my tippy toes and kissed top of his head. It always seemed to calm him. I went in the throne room and saw Thorin wobbling with his sword. "Thorin"I shouted. "Do you not understand?! This is how you lose everything! Stop this madness! Be the dwarf we all once loved"I whispered the end. "I am the king now. Not the pathetic Oakenshield"he wheezed. "I happened to love the pathetic Oakenshield more than anyone. And don't pull the king card in! You are my brother! And I love you are you a king or The Thorin Oakenshield"I told walking out. I went to where everyone else was standing middle of Dwalin and Kili. Then Thorin slowly came in. In his original clothes. I watched as Kili confronted his uncle. I knew from look in Thorins eyes that he chose to fight. "We are sons of Durin and Durin folk do not flee from a fight"Thorin said to his nephew. "What made you relaise this?"I asked. "Let us say that I'd rather face a wrath of Sauron than a dwarrowdam of Durin"he smirked. I went to him hugging him tightly. "I love you brother"I whispered. "I love you too"he smiled. "Oh and I'm happy for you and Dwalin"I hissed a s I understood we didn't exactly tell him about the engagement. "I know I have no right to ask this from you but will you follow me one last time"Thorin asked from all of us. We all took our weapons out. I'd follow my brother to grave. But how the hell I'll keep the baby safe.

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