Everyone starts making their way to the table all sitting down across from the little place cards with all of their names. 

"No space for you, go sit in the living room" my mum saying walking straight past me to her seat at the table. 

As I sit in the living room alone it hits me that this woman doesn't even feel like my mum. It doesn't feel like this woman has known me for over 15 years of my life. It doesn't feel like this woman knew my dad. She feels like a stranger. Someone I have never met before. 

As time passes people slowly start to move back into the living room. My grandparents decide that they would love to have a family photo with everyone beside the Christmas tree. 

"Ok all the family get in" my mum says in a loud tone so that everyone can hear. 

I walk towards the back of the group so that I can get into the photo. That was my mistake. My mums husband grabs me by the wrist so tight I have to hold in the gasp. A huge bruise already starts to appeared around my wrist. He drags me to the kitchen going at twice my pace. He turns around extreme rage apparent on his face. 

"I don't know what's wrongs with you, incompetency or pure desperation but I want you to know that you will never be a part of this family and the thought that for one split second you thought that you were is disgusting, now get out of my house" he shouts at me his face being far closer to mine than I am comfortable with. 

I stand there in pure shock. I have never met this man before. I hold back the tears that are threatening to uncontrollably fall down my face. My hands shake and I can't move. I just stand there. 

"GET OUT" he shouts again, this time grabbing my shoulder and shoving me out if the kitchen. 

I quickly walk out of the kitchen grabbing my jacket and bag as fast as I possibly can. I don't look up. I don't want to see any of their faces. 

I leave the present I bought for my mum on the table in the hallway for her to find in her own time. I rush out the front door and down the front steps. I run down the front yard only to find my tyres have been slashed and car has been keyed. 

That when I sit down on the curb a cry. I just need to get out of here. 

I really didn't think it could ever be this bad. 

I call Carmen

No answer 

I call Archie to see if he is with Carmen 

No answer 

I check for buses in the area 


I check for a cab service 


I'm stuck. 

So then I ring the only person I can think of. 


One ring 

Two rings 


"Oliver" I say trying not to make it obvious I am sobbing outside in the cold. 

"Angel what's wrong" he says starting to sound concerned. 

"I need to you to help me" 

"In what way"

"I'm stuck" "but I'm stuck two hours away from my house" "you know what actually forget about it, it's Christmas I'm sure you are busy with your family" "I can wait here until Carmen picks up" "bye Oliver" 

"I'll see you in 2 hours sweetheart" he says before hanging up. 


I feel terrible. 

I seem to constantly be bothering the people around me. I always seem to need help. Why can't I just leave them alone. 

By the time he arrives I'm shaking. I really don't know if it's the cold or what happened but I'm trying to keep it under control. I see Oliver's black Mercedes pull up. I don't stand. I can't. He instantly gets out of the car and strides over to me. He goes down on his hunkers and pulls me into his chest. I just stay there. 

Not saying anything. 

Not needing to say anything. 

He just knows. 


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