Beginning Part 3

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A new day has begun in heaven. Everyone started to wake up to the new morning. Hollow, Sera, and Radiance appeared to be sleeping close together in a large bedroom in the Pale Kingdom.

Heaven's sun rises, shines into the sleeping Hollow's eyes, and wakes him up.

Hollow: *yawn* It's a new day. A new morning.

Hollow tries to get out of bed but couldn't. He looks around and sees Sera and Radiance sleeping, hugging him tightly.

Hollow smiles at this sight and kisses both women on the cheeks. Slowly awakens Sera and Radiance.

Sera: *yawn* Is it morning already?

Radiance: Nooo... *pulls the covers over* I'm too tired to get up.

Hallow: Come on ladies, it's time to get up and start the day.

Sera: Good morning, Hollow.

Hallow: Good morning to you too, Sera.

Radiance: *sleepy* Good morning, Hollow.

Hallow: Good morning Radiance. Still haven't woken up?

Radiance: A little... but maybe a kiss will bring me back to my senses.

Hollow just smiles and Radiance approaches and gives her a kiss on the lips.

Hollow: How are you now~.

Radiance: Full of energy~

Sera: Hey! I want injustice too!

Hollow goes to Sera and kisses her the same way.

Hollow: Better?

Sera: Yes~

Hollow smiles at this and gets up from the bed, moving towards the door. Before passing through the door, he looks at Sera and Radiance.

Hollow: I went and woke up Emily and Myra. And I will make pancakes for breakfast, is that okay with you?

Radiance: Good for me.

Sera: It would be great with coffee.

The Hollow nods in agreement and closes the door.


Proceeding through the Hollow corridors, he first goes to Emily's room. When he comes to the door, he knocks, but there is no sound. When Hollow opens the door, Emily realizes she's still asleep. Hollow goes to his daughter and starts poking her to wake her up.

Hollow: Emily. My little light. It's time to get up.

Emily swayed a little and threw the covers over herself. Emily rubbed her eyes and looked at her father.

Emily: *yawn* good morning dad.

Hollow: Good morning, Emily. Did you sleep well?

Emily: Yes!

Hollow: Good. When you get up, go to the dining room. I will make pancakes today.

Emily: *eyes shine* Your Legendary Pancakes?

Hallow just nods with a smile on her face. Emily leaves the room with the girl and goes to the dining room.

Seeing this, Hollow starts walking towards Myra's room.


As Hollow walks towards Myra's room, he reaches the door. He clicks, but the sound doesn't come as he expected. He opens the door and sees Myra sleeping in the duvet.

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