Chapter 1

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The year is 2060, the world as we knew it crumbled amongst the devastation of World War 3. Then, in the wink of an eye, famine swept over the nation; cities once thriving are now nothing more than rubble standing as a reminder of what once was. In desperation to rebuild society, Shantytowns began to emerge; within these surviving colonies, government surveillance paired with military patrols morphed into instruments of tyranny. Instead of fostering order, they cast a dark shadow over the surviving colonies, transforming them into oppressive environments.

Surveillance cameras, like unblinking eyes, monitored every move, while the disciplined cadence of patrols echoed through narrow alleyways, enforcing a control that stifled the very essence of restoring society. As the weight of autocratic ruling settled over these surviving inhabitants, the fire of rebellion began to spark in the shadows. Amidst the oppressive environments, Asmodea emerged as a symbol of resistance. Her footsteps echoed not in conformity but in defiance, as she sought to navigate the narrow margins of autonomy left in the wake of pervasive control. Whispers of rebellion, like an underground river, flowed through the colonies. Asmodea, the architect of dissent, wove through the narrow alleyways, rallying the survivors to a cause born from the collective yearning for freedom.

The pertinacious surveillance, meant to extinguish liberty, now became witnesses to the quiet insurgency that stirred beneath their watchful lenses. With a spirit unbroken by the authoritarian regime, the growing insurgence, emerged as a living testament to the indomitable will of those who sought to reclaim their rights. Hiding within the shadows, the nonconformists began discussing ways to reclaim the power they lost.

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