The gem glowed when Quinton had fitted the gem in

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The gem glowed when Quinton had fitted the gem in. A string of energy pushed Quinton into the wall, making him scream.

He pinched his eyes close from the pain, but upon opening them, he saw the blue fog in front of him.

“You are a vampire, and yet you seek my power!” The same raspy voice spoke with anger.

“I want to over throw my older brothers from the throne! They're too powerful for me to fight alone.”

“I don't work with weaklings, especially with vampires.”

“I didn't say I'm weak. I'm just smarter than them.”

The voice chuckled. “I need blood, weakling.” Quinton felt an agenda emitting from the tone of voice. “Your blood.”

“You need my body, not my blood. I did my research.” Quinton said. “You can have it, but you must meet my demands first.”

“It's the only way I can work. You know that, then.” Quinton imagined the devil smirking. “An eye for an eye.”

“You help me raise to power. Kill my brothers and make me King of everything.”

“Fine, but you do realize what happens afterwards. You have to die before I can leave. This is what you call fine print.”

“Good thing I'm immortal.” Quinton smirked. The crystal unlodged itself from the rock, floating towards Quinton.

Quinton's hand shot up as the very same energy had sliced through his palm. He hissed as the blood drops had stopped mid-air, flowing to the crystal.

The two pieces of the gem that used to be attached to the big part moved to Quinton, stabbing themselves into Quinton's chest, slowly merging with his skin as it shrinked in size.

Screaming out in pain, the cut closed itself forming a very noticeable scar. Red streaks formed in his hair as his veins had illuminated throughout his body with lines.

Quinton dropped to his knees, but smirked when he lifted up his head. “A bond as deep as a cut from the blue devil's claw.”

The glow had faded, Quinton's body feeling numb and sore. When he came by, he looked down at the floor and saw a bident. In the middle floated the remaining part of the gem.

Picking it up, he looked at the reflection. There he did see himself, but slowly changed to that of a demon.

Pitch black skin, double iris eyes that had a deep blue hue to them, then finally yellow markings had slowly started to appear, contrasting with the deep, dark midnight blue hair that probably would've reached the shoulders.

The sickly mouth smirked, showing it's deadly row of fangs. “I should introduce myself to you.” The voice did not sound raspy anymore.

«They call me by many names, but my real name is Loxen. I'm the blue devil.»

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