16. What's Done In The Dark / Trust No One

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While Aurora's sat at one of the couches at Tyra Bank's studio.

Tyra flips her hair off of her shoulders, being fake as fuck. For real, I've met that woman before and she's not genuine at all.

"So, I know that it's hard for you to speak about this, Aurora. But as my momma always says, it will make you feel so much better once you've faced your fears by talking out loud about exactly what's went down with you on that fateful night you were attacked in front of The Four Seasons hotel in New Your," the redbone says rather dramatically.

I scoff to myself and take a pull on my blunt, leaning back in my sofa as I watch Aurora's face set into this distant expression, her pretty lips forming into a thin line. She lowers her eyes for a second as the camera man zooms in on her face.

She then looks back up into the camera and begins talking in that soft tone of voice of hers. The weed in my lungs making each of her words stretch somewhat.

Aurora begins relaying the events of that night Suge's goons went after her. She doesn't out them, so I'm guessing maybe she's got a least some of her loyalty left, just tells Tyra that there were three men in ski masks and dark clothes. She looks like she's holding back tears when she speaks about how one of them had shouted at her, and I would've felt bad just like I first did in that moment I had found out that it was her Suge's niggas done beat up.

"So, do you have any idea who might've attacked you, Aurora? I mean, do you have any guesses?" Tyra Banks is now asking the question, leaving slightly forward as the audience in the studio are all letting out these collective gasps. "We all know, of course, that a certain bad boy rapper was arrested before in regards of..."

"Eminem had nothing to do with me being attacked," Aurora interrupts Tyra then, speaking softly but assertively.

I scoff and think to myself about all of the stuff I've ever done for this ungrateful woman. Without me, Aurora literally would be a nobody right now, just some cheap ass video hoe, shaking her ass in grade D rappers videos for barely any salary. It's cause I've heard her singing that day and had signed her to Murder Inc. is why she even has a career right now, and yet, there she is...

"And honestly, sometimes, it's not even your enemies that would do you the dirtiest. Instead sometimes it be the people closest to you," Aurora continues speaking, as all of the dumb hoes in the audience continue to gasp in agitation, some sounding as though they've just put two and two together, and I feel myself lean closer to the TV, wanting to reach through the screen and punch this chick straight in her mouth.

"That's... very cryptic," Tyra Banks then smiles the widest smile I've ever seen on the top model's face. "Do you care to elaborate on your statement just now, Aurora?"

"Not at this time, no," Aurora then smiles as well, and she looks directly at the camera. "But all of the persons involved know EXACTLY who they are, and EXACTLY what they did."

"But don't you want, justice, girl?" Tyra then asks her, pretending to be coy. "For everything that's been done to you, I mean?"

"Oh, I do want justice, but I'm a firm believer of the fact that everything that's done in the dark will eventually come to light," Aurora then smiles sweetly.

I crumble the remains of my blunt in my hands, quickly gulping down the rest of my Henny.

"Oh, okay, girl, I definitely hear you," Tyra Banks then smirks. "Well, answer this other question that, because all of my audience here is dying to know, don't you guys?" She turns briefly towards the audience sat in the studio of her little talk show. "Even though this has sort of got overshadowed by the fact of what's happened to you, Aurora, the fact of the matter remains that there's been certain rumors circulating about you and that same certain bad boy rapper which I am so relieved to find out had nothing to do with your attack..."

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