"i trusted you"

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          Å-betty we have a problem B-make it quick I gotta go to pops to meet v Å-the joneses are getting information about us and I don't know how B-ok I'll figure it out later Å-good: I walk into pops and see Veronica sitting at the table I was abt to go over until. J-well well well if it isn't Betty cooper B-shut up jones, stay away from me freak J-you should watch your mouth princess B-fuck you J-i would be delighted: I scoff B-I know what your gange is trying to do, I ain't stupid like the rest of you: I push past him and sit with Veronica V-what were you and Jughead jones talking about? B-he was just being a dick V-he is hot, when are you going to smash him? B-ew v have you met him? V-ive heard of him, isn't his family one of the biggest mafias in riverdale? B-we are still fighting for that title V-you go girl.

           I walk back into my house when my mom and dad run up to me B-whoa tf? Å-the jonses kidnapped some of our own H-we need you to go get them B-fine: I run out and hop on my motorcycle and speed off to their bar/the Whyte worm, I make it there and sneak in the back,  I see everybody in the main area of the bar, I also see a pink haired girl talking to jughead, she says something and walks to the back and right as she is about to go to the bathroom I grab her and hold a Knife to her throat, I go out into the main area B-JUGHEAD JONES: everybody gasps J-whoa B-WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY PEOPLE J-OK OK They are in the basement, just let her go B-go get them or I swear to God I'll slit her throat ear to ear J-sweetpea go get them: sweetpea comes back up with 3 of my people, all 3 of them run out leaving me, I drop Toni but before I can leave somebody hits me over the head and I fall to the ground J-grab her: sweetpea tries to grab me but I stab him in the leg S-AHHH DAMMN IT: 5 serpents jump ontop of me and pin me to the ground, they tie my hands behind my back and I get thrown against the wall, J-take her to my office.

          They drag me upstairs and throw me into a room, jughead come sin shortly after and he locks the door, he comes over to me and I try to kick him but he picks me up and throws me on his couch J-you didn't think I would let you go that easy, did you princess? B-fuck you pig J-you know you love me B-in your dreams, can you just untie me? J-when you learn to behave: I smirk at show him my hands J-wait...how tf? B-you forget I had a pocket knife? J-ofc not, this was my um, uh this was my plan B-yeah yeah sure it was, but give me one explanation on why you had your goons jump me downstairs?  J-i needed to talk to you B-you couldn't have just asked? J-i knew you wouldn't have wanted to B-no shit Sherlock, can I go now?, wait tf am I asking you for, ofc I can leave J-i never said you could B-not your decision J-kinda bc I am the only person with the key to that door: I pull out a Bobby pin from my hair J-what are you gonna do, stab me with a boby pin? : I sigh and pick the lock but before I can leave jughead slams the door shut J-cute trick princess B-ugh wtf do you want? J-this: he smashes his lips onto mine, I push him away but I give in and grab his shirt collar and kiss him.

              He pins me to the wall and takes off my shirt, I unbuckle his belt. out of nowhere in the middle of our little "meeting" someone knocks on the door, jug puts his hand over my mouth J-What? S-bro open the door J-i am uh, I'm a little busy S-cmon please I need to talk to you about a girl J-i said I was busy, I'll talk to you later S-ugh fine: we hear him walk away from the door J-now where we're we?: he smirks at me and we get back to our "meeting"😉.
After many rounds, we lay on the couch in his office with a blanket over us, jug lays behind. Me and pulls me into his chest, he starts kissing my neck B-god jug let me breath: he chuckles and continues kissing my neck B-just don't give me a hickey J-to late B-are you kidding me? J-nope sorry: I just sigh and giggle. we lay there for a couple minutes In silence until jugs phone buzzes and he texts somebody, he puts his phone back down and nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck J-betty B-hm? J-why did your parents only send you? B-they always reli on me to do their dirty work J-why don't they send anybody else?: I turn around and face him B-promise you won't tell anyone? J-yeah I promise B-the truth is our gange is falling apart J-example? B-not enough funds, members are leaving, etc: we hear another knock on the door J-sweetpea I said leave me alone Fp-its your dad did you get information form that cooper girl?: wtf did he just say, I get up and put my clothes on, J-bet-: I turn around and slap him B-you stupid piece of shit J-i am sorry B-so you just fucked me for information? J-no betty, thats not the whole truth: I start to feel tears swell in my eyes but I stay strong B-I TRUSTED YOU:I rip open the door and storm out feeling used and betrayed, I go out and get on my bike.

         I burst through my front door Å-good job getting th- B-I AM DONE H-huh? B-I AM DONE WITHT EH MAFIA I QUIT Å-you can't quit B-i just did: i go up inot my room and breakdown crying, I put my hands over my face and lay in my bed. Why the fuck did I ever trust that beenie wearing prick,FUCK

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