First Kiss/Date

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//Codys POV//

Now Noah knows I like him! From Duncan! My own cousin! If you ask me that's the worse way for  your crush to find out! I mean he won't hate me right? What if he does? Maybe he does! Omg.. I could lose my best friend! I could have n- "Cody?" Noah asked, snapping me out my thoughts. "Oh, ha.. Yeah.?" "What were you thinking about?" He asked. I couldn't just tell him! "Uh... Nothing..?" I said. "Yeah, right Cody!" He said while laughing. It made me think about the compliment he gave me.

"Cody! Stop overthinking!!!" Noah said. "Sorry!!" I said. "You don't have to apologize." "I know." "Cody." "Yeah?" "I've thought about what Duncan said.." He replied. Shoot, is he about to call off our friendship?! "I wanted to ask you something.." "Go on.." "Well, uhm.. This is new.." What is he talking about? "Huh?" I asked. "Cody, Will you be my boyfriend?"

What. Omg.. "Yesssssss!!!!!!" I said jumping on him. "Whoa! Cody!" He said. "Sorry!!" I said. "So, where do you want to go?" "Huh..?" "For our date???" "Oh.. uhhh skating..?" "Fine.." "Do you know how to..?" I asked. "No..?" He replied sounding confused. "Omg Noah! I have to teach you! Come on!!" I said. And grabbed my jacket. "Do you need one Noah?" I asked. "Yeah." He said. I threw one at him making him fall down. "How do you fall down by a jacket!?"

"I don't know!!" He replied. We both just laughed it off. I grabbed him off the floor. "So.. Uh.. Can I call you babe..?" "Sure!" He said. "Now come on!" Noah said, pulling me out of his dorm. While he threw me in the car I was wondering.. Should I thank Duncan? Without him Noah wouldn't have known I liked him.. Nah. I would have told him anyways.

"Driveeeee!!" I yelled at Noah who was just staring at me. "Okay!" He replied. Wait.. what will my parents say? I mean they're both homophobic..Why is being gay so harddddddd? Ugggggghhhhhh!!! "Cody?" Noah asked to snap me out of my thoughts once again. "Yeah..?" I asked. "Where here." "What?! We just got it in the car!!" "We've been in the car for 30 minutes Cody." He said. "No!" I said. "Whatever, come on Cody." He said pulling my out the car. "Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!" I yelled. "Come on Cody!" "NOOOOOOO!!!" I said getting pulled into the now starting to sprinkle parking lot. "Huh..? It was not supposed to rain today?" Noah said.

"Well they're closing the skating rink." I said getting up off the floor. "Welp, there goes our date." "We could just go to my place and watch TV?" I said. "TV?! HOW THE FUNK DID YOU GET A TV INTO THE COLLEGE?!" "Idk?" I replied. "Get back in the car." "Why?" "We're going to watch Nextflix." "Where?" "DUMMY! YOURS!" "Oh." I replied getting back in the car. We drove for about 5 minutes until-


"Hm, What was that?" I asked. "Omg.. why was there spikes on the road?!!??" Noah yelled, making me flinch a little. "Sorry Cody.. didn't mean to scream." "It's okay..!" I said. "But there were spikes?" I added. "Yeah, I don't know why though?" He said. "Let me look at it." I said getting out the car. We were in the forest taking a shortcut so nobody was behind us. "Which tire?!" I yelled so Noah could hear me. "I don't know! Maybe the left one?" He said. "Ugghhhh." I groaned walking to the left tire. I saw about 5 spikes in the flat tire. "Woah." I whispered to myself. I walked over to Noah's door.

"Hey there's like 6 spikes in th-" Is all I got out before Noah pulled me into the seat with him. "May I?" He asked. "Sure?" I was confused what he meant until.. HE KISSED ME? "Mh.." I moaned kinda.. embarrassing..!!! I covered my face after he pulled away. "Hehe.." He chuckled. "Noaaahh..!!" I said. "Sorry, you're to hard to resist." He said making my face as red as a tomato.

"I'm sure we can find a replacement tire somewhere." "There was a tire shop back there!" I said. "I'll run there and be right back!" "Okay Cody, just hurry. And call me if you need me." "I will!" I said running to the store. Woah, a lot happened today. I beat up Duncan, Noah found out I liked him by Duncan, We went in a date, It started raining for no reason (and I'm very mad about it! >:p), Our tire went flat, Noah kissed me!!, and now I'm running to a tire shop that's about 5 miles away.. YAY.. "God, Why am I doing this?" I asked nobody. "Because you love him..!" I heard a whisper say. "Huh..?" I turned around to see nobody.

Whatever.. I'm here anyways. I walked into the store and went straight to the tires I needed. So what do I do? Do I just pick up the tire? Uhh.. there is an employee next to me. "Uhm hello miss?" I said taping the girls shoulder. "Yes- OMG ARE YOU CODY EMMIT JAMESON ANDERSON?!" "Uhm yes ma'am." "Omg I'm such a big fan!" "Huh..?" "Of your parents! The rich singers!" "Oh yeah! I kinda get that a lot." "You must be so lucky!" The girl with long black hair said. "Yeah.. really lucky..!" I said. "So how do I get the thing to check out?" I added. "Oh just let me scan it and I'll get you a carrier! By the way my names Jami! Tell your parents I said hey!!" "Yeah sure.." If they even let me! I wanted to add. She scanned it and got me something to carry it. I gave her the money and pushed the carrier back to the car.

Noah was waiting outside the car. He looked up and saw me. "Took long enough!" "S-Sorry.." I said taking breaths between my words. "Some lady named Jami? Yeah Jami stopped me from going fast." "Yep okay just hand me the tire." He said as I handed him the tire. He put the tire on and then got in the car. But I didn't know and was it the back of the car in the cargo bed sitting down. He started speeding! "NOAAAHAHHHHHHH!!!!!" I yelled. "CODY!" He screamed stopping the car. "Noaahh!" I yelled again. I jumped of the back and ran to my side and got in. "You can't just speed!" "Sorry baby.!" He said.

"It's okay Noah.!!" "God I'm apologizing..?  You made me soft Cody." "I'm glad I did..!" I said. He drove us to back to college. Great. We walked into the building while holding hands to see the principal standing at the door. "Where have you two been?" She asked then looked at our hands. "Oh! I'll leave you two to be!!" She said and walked to her office. "Come on Cody." He said dragging me to my dorm. He turned on the TV and went to Netflix. "Come on!" He said while patting the spot on the couch beside him. "Okay!" I said and jumped on him. "Ah!" "Sshhhh!!! People are sleeping NoNo!" "Nono?" "That's your nickname." "Fine. What movie."

"Any." "Uhh. Know what.." He said before kissing me. "Can we just go to sleep? I'm tired." "Yeah sure!" I said lying down. Noah lied down next to me and fell asleep so fast. I'm tired to. I yawned as I fell asleep.

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