Wait guys...
Ships include!!
Duncney (for a lil bit)
Gwent (for a lil bit)
Aletyler (comes in later)
Gwourtney (comes in later)
//Noah POV//
Least favorite part of the day? Waking up for school. "Ughhhh!" I groaned as I got dressed. "Noah hurry up and get down here!" My mom called. I ran downstairs. "What?" I asked. "Your breakfast has been here for 10 minutes! Hurry up and eat!" "Okay okay!" I grabbed my toast and started eating. I opened the front door and started walking to school.
I arrived at school. Huh, half an hour early? That seems impossible..? I was going to be late a second ago. Whatever, I'll just read a book whilst I wait.
-28 mins later-
They let the people waiting in. I went to go put my stuff in my locker when all a sudden people are screaming. FIGHT! "Why are people screaming?!" Some ginger girl asked. "Come look at this Iz!" A big blonde boy said. Me and 'Iz' went to see what the blonde was talking about. I saw the random dude with a green mohawk in a fight with a brown haired boy I recognized. Wait, Cody!? And Cody's winning?! What the..!
"Cody EJ Anderson and Duncan Tarun! My office now!" The principal yelled. "Woah.." The blonde known as Owen said. "Izzy did you see that?!" Owen added. "Yeah! Cody was so close to killing him!" Izzy said. "I've never seen Cody so mad.." I chimed in. "You don't know?" Izzy asked. "Know what?" "Cody likes a guy he met when he was 2 and Duncan's homophobic so when Duncan try's to be mean Cody beats him up." "Wait has he told you the name?"
"Of the dude he likes?" "Yeah." "No actually!" "Well I think I migh-" I said before getting rudely interrupted by the dumbass principal. "Two weeks detention Cody!" She said pushing him out the office. Duncan came out and he had a bleeding nose and blood all over his clothes. Cody really fucked him up.
Everyone besides me and Izzy had left. Cody looked at Izzy then at me with a shocked face. He looked pretty happy to see me. I think I'm the one Cody likes.. but I can't be so sure.. "Noah!" Cody said happily as he hugged me. "OoOoOohhhHHhHh!~" Izzy said. "This is my friend Noah, Iz!" "Well good to know your name now, Noah!" She said. Cody didn't seem to want to let go as I told him we needed to get to class.
"No!" He said. "We can meet at lunch Cody!" I said. "Fineeeee.." He said while letting go. I wish he didn't, he was so warm.. I felt so cold.. but I know it couldn't last forever. "Shoot! I can't be late for detention! See you later Noah!" He said running towards detention. I walked towards my class, Math. Who likes math? Duncan was in my math class. Great. Some brown short haired girl was next to Duncan. Maybe his girlfriend? Whatever. I was in the back of the class so I just fell asleep.
Next class.. History. There was an empty seat beside me. Hm..? I wonder who seats there? "Anyone know where Cody is?" The teacher asked. I guess that's the seat beside me. "Detention." I said. "Oh." The teacher said.
I didn't even want lunch because I wasn't hungry. Luckily I saw my Cody. I-I mean Cody!! At lunch. He came and sat next to me. "What are you reading?" He asked. "What's it to you?" "I wanna read with you!" "Sure CoCo." I was about to but the book in the middle of us but Cody but his head on my shoulder. "I'm so glad I get to skip class." "Yeah maybe I need to beat someone up so I could skip classes." I joked. Cody chuckled. "You have a beautiful laugh Cody." I said. "O-Oh..! T-thanks..!"
Omg that was so stupid! "Sorry it's just the truth..." I said grabbing the back of my neck. "No, No it's okay!" He said to me.
"We better get where we need to go." "Yeah!" Cody said going back to detention. I walked to my last class, Writing. We had a sub I guess..? "Alright kids! I have no idea who any of y'all are so just enjoy today as an off day!" Sweet! I had Owen and Izzy in the class. "So Owen we still robbing that bank?" Izzy asked Owen. "Of course!" He said. "You wanna come Noah?" Izzy asked. "Nah, I got plans, and I wouldn't want to go to jail anyways." I replied. "Plans? With who?" "Cody." I said,
"Ooooommmmggg!!" Izzy squealed. "Izzy, he's my friend! That's all I see him as." I could feel my hands starting to sweat as if I just told a lie. "Yeah sure..!" She said. "Little buddy it's okay if you like him we're not homophobic!" "Yeah, Izzy has a girlfriend!" Izzy said in 3rd person. "Well maybe I do.. maybe I don't.." I said. "You totally do!!!" Izzy said. "Fine I do.." I replied.
Finally! I can see Cody! I ran out of the class room and got the stuff from my locker. I saw Cody in the hall going into the bathroom. I went in after him. I'm not a stalker I just wanted to see if we still had plans! "Can't you just leave me alone?" Cody asked. Huh..? I wasn't all the way in the bathroom but around the corner. "No! I can't believe you like Noah! You gay freak!" I could hear Duncan say. Wait was he talking to Cody. Omg.. My crush likes me back. W-what..? Wait! Cody's getting bullied by Duncan! Chill out Noah!
"Ow!" I heard Cody say. I ran in the bathroom. "Leave him alone!" I yelled as I pushed Duncan down. And picked up Cody that was on the floor. "Come on Cody.." I said as he grabbed my hand. I pulled him to my dorm. "T-thanks Noah.." He said. "Welcome." I replied. "So, Uh.. How long were you there.. like how much did you hear..?" He asked. "I was there when you walked in the bathroom. "W-What?!" He yelled. "S-So you heard Duncan say-" "You like me? Yeah."
"So uh do we still have.. uh plans..?" Cody asked. "Yeah." I said.
Long first chapter!!! So proud!!

That Time in College
FanfictionCollege the most depressing part of life. Noah is having a normal day when he sees Duncan getting beat up by Cody. What should he say?