“Well nice to see you too, James.” he greeted, turning around.

He looked shocked still, but also different. His head wasn't bandaged anymore and his ginger colored hair looked clean and smooth, but still pissed about being in the hospital. We could maybe get along with the mutual hatred.

"No way, you too?" he asked, disappointed. "Who got you?"

"No one got me, I don't even know why I'm here. Why are you here, you look healthy enough to leave." I said.

"I don't know really. The doctors keep saying something with my heart is messed up and they want to keep me for a few more days. If I have to eat one more meal here I'll break out myself." he said, crossing his arms in disgust.  

"Don't werewolves an a faster heartbeat then human?" asked Allie.

"Yeah," answered Alec, rubbing his chin as if he had a beard. "But most people can't pick up on it for some reason." 

"The technology here!" I remembered. Curious eyes turned to me. "It's the newest in the country, this hospital's supposed to be one of the best in the world."

"Oh yeah, that's why mom was helping with everything," she remembered suddenly.

"I'm lost. How can newer technology help detect heart issues?" asked James, confusion clear on his face.

"I don't know, but -- "

I stopped in mid sentence when the doctor and a few nurses walked into the room. The doctor seemed almost nervous in a way most middle aged men do for whatever reason, while the nurses acted like everything was okay in their world. They were way to young to be actual nurses. Student nurses maybe? Checking the clip board, he looked at James and sighed.

"James your chart seems to be in order and your ready to get out of here." said the doctor, a bit rushed.

We all looked at each other. They just said they wanted to keep him here, so what gives?

It's someone else, they threatened him.

Oh no.

"As for you Lilly, you can go as well." This time it was more rushed, even a bit unsure of it all. The nurses began to take out his IV, then mine, then looked at the both of us, his eyes pleading through his glasses.

"I thought he was supposed to stay longer?" I asked.

"There was a sudden change," he said slowly, as if searching for the words.

You need to know who's doing this before it's too late.

You think you stupid --

The stabbing feeling in my leg shut me up and caused me to bite my lip to keep from screaming. Point taken, I thought. It was time to play detective and find out what was going on.

When we were out of the hospital and walking back to the park, silence was the only thing going on. It seemed that we were running out of time. James was silent, probably thinking about how great it would be to eat raw meat again and mess around with Adam.

"Hey, you do know there's a list of suspects right? Allie broke the silence.

"How?" asked James.

"Well, I don't think Katrina is who she seems to be, and it's pretty weird the Chelsea suddenly decided to be nice to us. Aren't they potential suspects?" she asked.

"Yeah, but we can't go up to a pack member and act like detectives," Alec butted in. "Besides, Father could have some information. It might be best to wait."

"No!" yelled Allie. "I'm sure something is going on and I want to know what the hell is happening to the pack! If you don't want to do anything than leave me alone to figure it out!"

It had been a long time before Allie had gotten this pissed off at someone. Her emerald eyes showed determination that hadn't been seen before, and she had the stubbornness to back it all up. It reminded me of when Roy and me were talking about investigating, but now we all were on board with it, she was right.

"Alec, she's right." I said. "There's been enough odd things going on that there is something happening and we need to do something."

They all went quiet  before Allie and I looked at each other and waited for them to talk. We did need to start investigating, Father wouldn't tell us anything and everyone else was clueless. Lucas might be the only one who would tell us anything but finding him was the problem.

"Okay, sure let's play." said Roy. "James?"

"No, no, no!" he said loudly. "I don't want a part in this. I'm going back to the Park to find Adam. Goodbye,"

"And too think he wouldn't be a spazz," muttered Alec.

"I heard that!"

Walking away, I looked a bit ruefully. We might get in serious trouble for this, but at the same time it would be the chance to end the series of attacks. 

"Hey," spoke up Roy. "Don't worry, we're werewolves. What can happen?"

I refused to match his smile, and that was when Allie yelled, "That was one of the most taboo things to say!"

"Real nice," whispered Alec, jabbing his side.

A low snarl made him jump back and made us smile a bit. He was bound to be the funny one from the start, his hair color said it. Walking back, I let my mind drift a bit. This would really cost us is it ended badly. These things happened and people got in over their heads and it wasn't always a perfect end.

You really think this is worth worrying about?

I'm sort of scared, so yes.

I need a body for when you lose control, I think you can rely on me for safety. 

No way in hell, I growled. 

Thoughts drifting to Roy, I felt my face heat up. It was a crush, but there was no telling if anything would be made of it even though I wanted something to happen. The silent mysterious kind, but not the bad guy, just trying to deal with the monster in his head. The empathy I had towards him was turning into a desire to help him through it. 

Allie and I were closer now too, and she changed. She made many mistakes in the past few years and she learned from them and the ignorant bitch she was known as was gone, instead a more of a level headed person who had matured. I owed it to Katrina, she knew what she was doing. 

Her and Alec. They liked each other but she was shy, afraid of getting hurt and Alec was unsure. I made a note to get them together somehow because it was just waiting to happen. Alec was a good match for her, he was funny all around despite the family issues and was a good person, maybe a bit too caring. Allie just wanted to find someone who needed her.

Please, I prayed to whoever would listen. Let it still be like this in the end.

Yeah, because PRAYING to a God that doesn't exist had ALWAYS worked before.

I guess we'll see in the end, I thought before running up and jumping on Roy's back. I wanted to do that for a long time, and when I did he wasn't't exactly pissed, more or less surprised. 

"Do you have to?" 

"Yeah. You haven't thrown me off so I assume it's okay?" I asked, moving his hair away from his face, noticing how soft it felt. 

"This one time," he said, but the tone of his voice said he didn't mean it.

"Sure," I said a smile covering my face. Allie and Alec looked at me, Alec trying not to bust out laughing and Allie was making kissey faces. Sticking my tongue out like a kid, the happiness that swelled in my heart spread everywhere. 

I wanted it to stay like this forever.





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