He let out a happy sound and I kissed him once- quickly but making sure I caught his bottom lip in my teeth- nipping him playfully.

"Minho!" he gasped- shocked I had kissed him out in the open.

"New home- new life. "I countered, kissing his cheek. "You think the neighbors aren't going to notice us living together?" I shrugged "I think it's time we start acting like a couple- where we can at least." He nodded, blushing beautifully and I smirked, grabbing his hand in mine and leading him to the front door.

I held the keys out and offered them to him. "You want to do the honors, Jagiya?" I asked and he literally shook his balled up fists in excitement, nodding.

He put the key in and opened the door, revealing a spotless new apartment- gleaming wood floors and countertops ready to be used.

"Oh, Baby." He sighed when we reached the living room- where I had laid out a plush blanket and pillows earlier. "What's this?" he asked- his voice soft and emotional.

"I thought we could have a slumber party." I shrugged, taking off my coat and helping him out of his. "Do you like it?" I asked even though I knew from the smile on his face the answer was yes.

"Minho- you are the most romantic boyfriend ever." He praised and I felt heat rush up to my ears.

We wandered into the area and sat on the plush white bedding, arranging the pillows until we were comfortable. I opened the bottle of wine I had brought and poured us two glasses, raising mine in a toast. "To us." I offered simply, making my lover blush and look away cutely.

"To us." He parroted and sipped his drink- his eyes on me the entire time.

We drank, watching each other, our fingers tangling- toying with the others- desperate to be touching. I set my wine down and grabbed his- placing it next to mine. I turned back toward him and he was kissing me, his lips hot against mine- panting with need as his tongue searched for mine.

My hands cupped his face, his cheeks soft under my palms and he moaned as I tilted his head to one side- deepening the kiss. I let him take the lead- his hands timid and unsure on the hem of my shirt- gently exploring the skin of my waist with his fingertips. "Yes." I thought- loving when his confidence came to play. I let him push me back onto the plush bedding- the solid ground barely noticeable under the setup I had created. His mouth left mine and he looked at me- his eyes searching mine with an unasked question. My fingers played with his hair- brushing it out of his face as he loomed over me, his slim waist slotched between my thighs.

"Baby." He said- his voice low and husky. Fuck I loved that- he was so goddamn masculine when his voice did that and I couldn't help but gasp lightly when he said it. He smiled- lopsided as cute- his signature flirtatious grin and I bit my lip, wanting him to kiss me again.

"What is it, love? I asked softly and he lowered himself until his mouth was next to my ear.

"I want to fuck you so bad." He whispered and I shuddered beneath him.

"I know." I whispered back, nipping his neck lightly. "So do it." I offered and he groaned low and longingly before his mouth crashed into mine again.

My hands were peeling his shirt off of him- desperate to feel the smooth expanse of his body under my fingers. He worked at my clothes- yanking and pulling sloppily- our mouths only parting to free each other from our respective articles of clothing. His fingers undid my belt- eager at the chance to top me again.

I wanted this for him. To feel as in control of our relationship as I did. I wanted this for me. When he had made love to me the first time it had been a revelation- something missing that I hadn't know I could miss. Since that night I had been desperate for him to do it again, but I never seemed able to say the words.

Look At Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें