"What was that?" Draco asked annoyed.

Mattheo finally stood up and smiled, I knew that even without having to look at him.

"Don't worry Draco, you know I don't believe in dirty blood. Let's go."

That was a stab in the heart. I can't believe he said that, I did absolutely nothing to be told something like that. He's the one who's been weird to me all day, hoping for something. I tried to hold back my tears, but it was harder than I thought. I only heard Mattheo go out, but Draco stayed behind me. When he tried to apologize in some way, I couldn't do anything more than saying 'fuck off Malfoy'. My whole neck hurt so much because I was really close to crying when the assholes were finally outside, I could let everything out. At the time Harry woke up and noticed that I was crying, I hope he didn't heard that much. Before we went out he wiped away my tears but didn't say anything. He's probably still subconscious, it's for the best that he didn't notice all this. It was getting really late, we had probably already missed our carriages, but at least walking there is much better than being able to drive back to London I guess. I gave Harry a potion that I always have with me, it's really useful especially in these times - you never know what will happen. Luckily he started to feel better again and we were finally able to get off that shitty train. We didn't talk much, he probably noticed that I just didn't want to talk at the moment, but somehow I have to discuss the matter - it's not exactly usual that he wanted to spy on both Malfoy and Riddle. Breaking the silence was simply the best thing you could do.

"How come I have to save Harry Potter again and again?"

I said it a little more casually than I should because the matter was actually quite serious but I didn't want there to be this tense atmosphere between us, after all we still have a long way to go and I don't want him to get mad or anything. Even if there is no reason for it, with him you never really know anything. He laughed, which made me calm down a bit, so it's almost certain that he didn't hear anything about the 'conversation'. But I have to agree with Draco, I've saved Harry's ass so many times, he doesn't even really know. That was the time when I was in a relationship with Draco, I was very distant from my friends and yet I helped Harry in every way I could. Of course, Draco didn't know about this until he found out in some way. That was one of the worst days of my life because from then on our relationship changed 180 degrees. Well, luckily that's over now but he can still rub it in my face, which I'm so fed up about

"I wanted to know what they were talking about. You know I mus-"

I signaled him to speak quietly, something is in the bushes and it could be anyone. But then something in my head told me that it was just Draco and Mattheo, and I was one hundred percent sure that it was them. Even if it isn't them, I've told Harry more than once that it would be dangerous to talk about it in public where everyone could hear him, but no, of course he knows better. You could hear the bushes more and more, this time I wanted to do something that I would normally be afraid of, but my gut feeling told me I was right. If this is also the case then people will say I have special powers, but if I'm wrong we could be dead in the worst case scenario. But I think it's worth a try.

"Riddle? Malfoy? Come out, we don't like being spied on."

Now I actually heard two people coming out of the bushes, only now I was far too afraid that it couldn't be them, so I quickly turned around and used the 'Expelliarmus' spell to disarm one of the. I don't believe it, it's really the two of them. I was surprised at myself, and everyone else too, I noticed. While disarming I caught Malfoy, which I was more than proud of, that somehow gave me a good feeling, I finally didn't feel weaker next to them. But the question was: What are they doing here? Actually, they should have been ahead of us a long time ago, could it be that they got lost? So if my assessment is correct then I'll really laugh at them, how can you get lost here? I looked at Draco, his reaction completely freaked me out. The first time I looked at him he was shocked, but now he's smiling and nods, but it wasn't just a normal nod, it was this proud one. That nod that I always got when we had Defense Against the Dark Arts, that nod showed me he was proud, but he couldn't show it to me any other way. My heart stopped for a moment, I never thought that our old memories could come back so quickly, that wasn't the case last year either, I looked at him and only felt hate, but now he makes me feel something that I can't even fathom at the moment. It reminded me of earlier times when I was still overjoyed with him, when I thought it was just us against the world, where we loved each other. Luckily Harry had interrupted my thoughts because he was the one who asked what the hell they were doing here. I laughed out loud when they said they were lost. Surely they can't be serious now? They've been here for the sixth year and don't know where to go? You have to do that first. When the brief conversation between the two was over, Harry suggested that they could go with us, only that we wouldn't go together. They mysteriously agreed to the idea, am I in like a bad movie right now? Have they forgotten that they hate us?

"Well done Scrambler." Draco said smiling as he walked past me.

But why does he leave me so speechless with what he says? That doesn't make any sense, now I'm sure that I hate him as much as you can hate a person. No really, I'm slowly starting to not be able to take the day seriously anymore and instead throw myself off at the next best bridge. How is it possible that the two of them became even more annoying over the holidays? I thought it couldn't get any worse. Or they are still the same, only now they annoy not others but me. I just hope this is over as quickly as possible. When I think about not even being able to go outside alone because I'm afraid of meeting them, otherwise something like that would happen on the train, I could really just cry. This school year is off to a really great start. Harry and I both started going, the other two stayed behind us as discussed and didn't even make contact. When we finally arrived we stopped after a short conversation and the others went to the suitcases. I looked at Harry, his nose was obvious broken and it started bleeding again, so I thought about a spell my mother taught me during the summer holidays. She said they would be useful if something bad happened, but I never thought I would need them on the first day of school. While I was laughing a little with Harry I looked to my left, I caught Draco and Mattheo staring at me. This shit has to stop, it can't go on like this. I gave both of them a disgusting look whereupon Draco just smirked which made me even more aggressive. I know him better than anyone else, he knows that very well and that's why he makes those looks, those actions. With the thought that they were both watching us, I turned around and finally remembered this magic spell. I felt a little sorry for Harry because healing a broken nose with a spell can be a bit painful, which is why he shrugged away. Afterwards a cold wind suddenly hit us and all of his hair was disfigured. Of course I helped him fix it again. This time I was much closer to him than usual, we laughed and I have already forgotten my new observers.

"Do you want to be late?" Mattheo asked, even with a happy tone in his voice.

Draco, on the other hand, didn't look all that pleased, but you could also think that it was his normal face. Fine, if that's how they want it. I took Harry's hand and happily walked past them.

"How sweet you are." I said in an annoyed voice.

In the distance I heard Mattheos laughing, Draco said something like 'ridiculous'. Harry and I laughed the whole way to the Great Hall, forgetting everything around us and just enjoying the moment. Although we get along well, we don't do anything very often with just the two of us, there is always at least someone else there. I now have to repeat the time I lost because of Malfoy with all my friends. I have to feed Thestrals with Luna, go to the library with Hermione, eat something with Ron and fly on the broomstick with Harry. In the big hall I smiled at all the thoughts, I am now becoming the better version of myself and will always do my best, always be there for everyone. I'll just be a friend for life. I mean, you're not always 16 years old and at Hogwarts, where the magic never stops.

All the lies between us (Mattheo Riddle x Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now