Freen's body is getting colder and colder. Even though she has stopped bleeding, but her pulse rate is getting lower than the danger level.

"We are losing her, prepare the life support system immediately. If we fail to bring her back, then she might get into a coma" the senior doctor informs the other staff members present in the medic room.


The docters tried to revive Freen, but they failed and Freen slipped into a coma. Rebecca on hearing this news dropped on the floor as she was not able to believe this.

Early morning, Heng arranged for the helicopters to bring Freen to hospital where Freen's family has already sent all the specialists to get her treated fast. Freen's entire family is also coming to USA.

Heng left with Nam and Freen. Ethan stayed on the cruise to handle and find out what exactly happened here, how someone attacked Freen and Saint in the middle of the ocean.

Saint gained consciousness in the morning. The doctors checked him, his health was stable.

"Where is Freen?" This was the first question he asked.

"Heng is with her, he has taken her to the mainland in air ambulance. Freen slipped into a coma last night" Jack informed Saint.

Saint looked around him, he saw Rebecca is also there in the same room and she is sleeping unconsciously.

"What...what happened to her?" Saint asks.

"On hearing Freen's news, she got into a panic attack. She will be better. How are you feeling?" Irin asks Saint.

"I.. I.."

"Saint!" Ethan comes running towards Saint. He is happy to see that at least Saint is okay.

"Tell me exactly what happened yesterday! Who attacked on both of you?" Ethan asks.

"What do you mean?" Saint asks.

"You and Ms Chankimha were attacked yesterday night. Ms Armstrong was also there who called for help, but we never got a chance to hear from her about what happened yesterday" the inspector informed.

"Tell me exactly what happened" the inspector said.

"I...I..was on the way to my room after the party last night. When I reached into my room, I saw Freen and Rebecca arguing. I don't remember what they were arguing about, but Freen was on the floor and looked very sad. I pushed Rebecca away when I saw her kicking Freen. Then as I was checking on Freen... Rebecca came in from behind with a knife to attack on me as she was angry because I came in between Freen and her." Tears started welling up in Saint's eyes.

"Freen..she pushed me away and grabbed the knife with her bare hands" Saint starts crying.

"Rebecca got very angry as Freen pushed me away to save me, so she tried to hurt Freen. But I pushed her away and she missed the target and the knife pierced into Freen's shoulder.... I SHOULD HAVE BEEN FASTER!!" Saint is crying uncontrollably.

"For a moment I froze as I saw a lot of blood dripping down from Freen. I don't remember when Rebecca kicked and hit me with some hard object. I tried to get up, but I was ...weak...." Ethan starts crying with Saint.

"You tried your best" Ethan hugs Saint as both of them are crying.

"She..why did she do that? Why I am not strong enough! I failed in protecting Freen, I am a failure." Saint clenches his fists tightly.

The inspector ordered his colleagues to handcuff and arrest Rebecca. "She cannot do this, there must be some misunderstanding here!" Chloe steps in front of the inspectors.

"Please stay away ma'am, we are trying to do our work" a lady guard moved Chloe away.

"You mentioned she was drunk?" The inspector asked Irin.

"Yes, but she was sober when she left the party" Irin replies.

"Did you all were doing drugs?" The inspector asked.

"No! We did not took any drug" Tee replies.

"We are arresting Ms Rebecca, under the charges of attempt to murder of Freen Sarocha Chankimha and her guard Saint. She will be taken care in the government hospital until her health is stable and we will be taking her blood samples to check for drugs and alcohol levels in her body. I will be needing the contact informations of her guardian" the inspector said.

"She cannot do that!" Daniel yells, but Jack stops him.

"I have her uncle's number, I will help you with that inspector" Jack said and went to talk with the inspector.

"Calm down Daniel. We know Rebecca cannot do that, we will do everything to clear this misunderstanding" Chloe consoles Daniel.


Rebecca got arrested by the inspectors, in the evening she was still weak and unconscious. She was taken directly to a government hospital where they collected her blood samples.

Saint and Ethan went to the hospital to see Freen.

Saint's plan was disrupted by Rebecca, but fortunately both Freen and Rebecca are unconscious and Freen is on the life support.

Freen's condition is still critical, in the hospital all that's left is a breathing body, the soul is already gone away.

Saint smiles in his mind on looking at Freen's condition.

He plans to attack again on Freen and kill her this time before she wakes up and exposes him.

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