Beginning of journey (Part -1 )

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Mom   : Honey what is this mark on forehead of our son(talking about tanjiro)

Father: Probably a birth mark.


 (now after 14 year tanjiro had 5 siblings in total and tanjiro had good and sharp sense of smell)

Tanjiro: Mom I am going for selling charcoal .

Mom   : Ok be careful on your way, and do not forgot to buy materials needed for hinokami kagura dance. As from now on its your responsibility to do this ceremonial dance as your father has passed out. 

Tanjiro: Yes mom i am aware of it and i will forget to buy the items. But why to buy it now? we have a lot of time for new year.

Mom    : We have time but it will be better if we buy it early.

Tanjiro: ok i will buy it mom, now bye pls take care of yourself.

Mom    : yes i will.

(rokuta is the smallest sibling and nezuko is the 2nd elder sibling )

Rokuta and Nezuko: wait tanjiro!

Tanjiro: ??

Rokuta : wait big brother will come with you to.

*Nezuko nodding in support*

Tanjiro: No you can't because your are too young.

Rokuta: but you said that you will take us.

tanijto: maybe next time for sure

Rokuta: Not fair*pouting*

Nezuko: big bro is right we should stay at home and help others.

Tanjiro: Or you can cut the trees till i come and  when i will come back i will you your favourite food.

Rokuta: you sure??

Tanjiro: yes will.

Rokuta: ok then.

(after this tanjiro left to sell charcoal and nezuko with rokuta left to gather fire woods for night. while three were gone.... at home after some time Muzan appeared)

{the door being knocked}

Mom: coming just a moments

(before she opens the door, the door broke open and cut pierced her through her heart)

Muzan: hello there you pathetic creatures.(with evil smirk on his bloody face)

(then muzan killed everyone in the house, he left. After 1 hour when Nezuko and rokuta returned back)

Both nezuko and rokuta:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????

Nezuko: WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR FAMILY??????(she cried out)

(both nezuko and rokuta crying a lot. Then suddenly they heard some noice from the bushes nearby)

Nezuko: who is there come out!?

???: Hello i am giyu tomioka

 Rokuta: Are you the one who killed our family(sobbing a lot while saying)

Giyu: No, i am not(saying emotion lessly)

Nezuko: Ok then why are your here?(sobbing)

Giyu: I know this will sound weird but i am here to exterminate demons. And i will believe that demons are the one who killed your family.

Nezuko: what demons do exist?

Giyu: yes . I have a offer for you both.

Rokuta: What is it?

Giyu: you both should become demon slayers.

both nezuko and rokuta: ???

Nezuko: yes i will become a demon slayer to revenge my family.

Rokuta: i will too.

Nezuko: noo your too young for this.

Giyu: she is right. Are to young for this kind of stuff.

Rokuta: ok(sadly saying)

Giyu: may i know your names pls?

Nezuko: I am nezuko kamado and this is rokuta.

Giyu: ok you both go to ******* mountain and find Mr. Urokodaki ask him for training and also tell him my name he will understand.

Both : ok.

(Tanjiro came after to 2hr later after this incident. While on his way back)

Tanjiro: *smells thick blood scent coming out of his house*

Tanjiro: NO NO NO NO NOOOO!!!!!( starts running towardes his house and saw his family dead)

Tanjiro: *In shocked*

Tanjiro: My family*break down*

Tanjiro: I swear will kill the one who kiled my family i will memorize its scent to find him.

?????: you can but not with your current level.

Tanjiro: who is that???( in paniking)

Yoriichi: I am Yoriichi tsugikuni.

Thanks guys for reading this it for part 1 
I hope will enjoy my up coming Parts and
 sorry if there is any spelling mistakes :)




Good bye!!!!! 

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