Chapter 7

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The sequel was alright but it was nowhere near as good as the original movie. My guardian came back down a little bit after it ended and started up on lunch.

"What day is today Levi?" I asked as he was  pulling out turkey slices and cheese from the fridge.

"It's Papa to you now little minx but to answer your question, it's Tuesday," he answered. "I called Mr. Beckett and he agreed to start your tutoring lessons next week. He may stop by before then to get to know his student."

"Why would he want to get to know me? He's just here to teach me stuff."

"My friend likes his job a lot, he believes each one of his students are different. Getting to know you as an individual helps him design a curriculum best fit for you. Plus he's excited to meet the Lord's little."

"Of course he is." I walked to my usual chair as Levi placed the sandwich plates down. He was smart enough to only give me half a sandwich since I couldn't eat a full one yet.

The simple sandwich was absolutely delicious and for once it wasn't dug out of a dumpster. I didn't realize how fast I was eating until my caregiver grabbed my wrist. "Slow down kiddo. The food isn't going anywhere."

I listened to him for a little bit before gulfing up the last of the sandwhich. He sighed and picked me up before walking to the bathroom without a word. He sat down on the floor with me in front of the toilet.

(!! Not really a trigger warning, more like a sensitive stomach one? Any who there is a short mention of vomitting in this paragraph. If that makes you queasy, skip to next paragraph okie?!! )

We waited for about ten minutes and I grew confused on what we were waiting on. Then the nausea hit me like a ton of bricks. My whole lunch came back up along with some of my breakfast.

"From now on I'm feeding you until we work on that habit. I know you ignored my warning when you ate the soup yesterday too." he tells me while flushing the toilet. He picked me up once more and carried me to his room.

"It's not my fault your food taste like heaven." I complained as he gently placed me on the bed.

"That's because you are comparing my food to the ones you ate on the streets."

I watched as Levi grabbed a bottle of gaterade from a nightstand drawer. He then walked over to his dresser and pulled out the top drawer. To my disbelief, this man pulled out a baby bottle that had a bigger nipple. It was meant for littles.

"I hope you plan on using it for yourself, because it definitely isn't for me." I tell him coldly.

"My father dropped it off this morning. I told him about what happened with the soup and he gave me this. It will help control how fast you drink fluids. He also ordered per Embers advice, daily nutrition bottles to get your calorie intake back up."

"Well you can give the bottle back, I'm not fucking drinking out of it." I snap.

"Well you can either drink it willingly or after I tan your backside. The choice is up to you," He threatens. "Since you're getting grouchy enough to start cursing, you will also be taking a nap."

I studied him for a moment, judging how serious he was. Reluctantly, I gave in and slouched back on the bed. No way was I going to let him spank me.

"Good girl," he praises. "We'll take it slow by starting with the gaterade. We can wait till bedtime for the nutrition one."

Well I suppose gaterade was OK. It's better than being forced powerade so I'll take my small wins.

After making the bottle, Levi sat on the bed and pulled me in his lap. He leaned us just slightly back against the headboard and put the bottle to my lips. I hesitated for a moment before taking it.

My body relaxed some as the flavor of lemon-lime hit my taste buds. As I drank my caregiver would pull the bottle back just slightly, reminding me to slow down. When I obeyed, he would return the drink until the bottle eventually became empty.

"It's nap time now little one. The King sent a team of vampires to put your room together, it should all be done by the time you wake up."

I crawled under the blankets, not at all upset about being forced to nap. Who doesn't like extra time to sleep?

What I was upset about though, was the surprise waiting for me when I woke up.
The first thing that set me off was the gates that now stood at the top and bottom of the stairs. They were too tall for me to get over by myself and the damn locks were childproof.

"What the hell is this?!" I asked while stomping my right foot.

"Rule Number six, You will never leave the house or go near the stairs without the company of me or a trusted adult that I approve of." My caregiver recited from behind me.

I turned around and gulped at the unhappy look on his face. "But why the gates?"

"Your youngest Headspace requires them. You could slip at any given time and you need the extra safety features."

Right, my stupid headspace. "There is more then just the gates isn't there? Your father babyproofed the house didn't he?"

He nodded. "It was going to happen eventually. Just give it all a try for me please? If you really truly hate something, we can discuss it and get rid of it. All I ask is that you actually try to enjoy being cared for."

A part of me wants to rebel and fight all of this but, I couldn't bring myself to do that. Levi hasn't tried to hurt me. The least I could do is try it for a little bit. Especially when I was given a bath and a warm bed to sleep in. "How bad is my room?" I asked with a sigh.

"Well, let's go see it." He picked me up but also gave me a light swat on my rear. "Don't think I didn't catch the cursing earlier. That's strike two little one."

I pouted but nodded. "Understood."

We got a door that had my name elegantly carved onto a small sign. My caregiver opened it and I was pleased that the king kept adult me in mind. There was a crib and other items for my "Headspace." but there was also a normal bed and bookshelves full of books. Some were kids books while the others were more in the young adult category. To say I was shocked by the care taken into planning this overnight is an understatement. Even the color scheme wasn't overbearing. It was a soft blue mixed with other pastel colors.

Her new room:

"Do you like it?" Levi asked while setting me down to explore it

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"Do you like it?" Levi asked while setting me down to explore it.

While ignoring the changing table, located along the wall closest to the door, I nodded. "It's not that bad. Was expecting it to be a lot worse. This is pretty manageable."

"Our job as caregivers isn't to force you to stay little all the time. We want you to enjoy being who you are, not resent it."

"Kinda hard to not resent it when your future has been decided for you." I say while sitting on the new cloud like bed.

My guardian frowns and sits on the bed next to me. "Is that what's bothering you about it?"

"Yeah, it would bother you too wouldn't it?"

"What all did they teach you in schools about Guardians and littles? I think we need to discuss what being a little really means."

Do you think Levi can help her feel more at peace with her new fate? What wasn't the school telling her?

A Fairy's Guardian (rough Draft)Where stories live. Discover now