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Isabelles POV:
**the next morning**
I wake up back at Lola's apartment, my head pounding. I can't remember even getting back here last night. As a matter of fact, I can't remember much about last night at all. I climb out of Lola's bed, head spinning and head towards her kitchen to neck a couple painkillers with some water. I sit down at the island in the kitchen with my head in my hands, praying the tablets kick in soon. I don't think I've ever suffered a hangover like this before. I pull my phone from my bag that was left on the island last night. 9.52am. I doubt Lola will be asleep much longer, she's usually up pretty early. I swipe through some of the photos from last night, noticing that the last one was taken at 2.20 in the morning, we were still out having the time of our lives. What time did we get home last night? Note to self: don't get black out drunk in future.
I continue flicking through the photos from last night deciding to post one to Instagram that Lola had taken off me last night before we left. I definitely did not look the same this morning.

Isabellex - wake up glam, jk I don't look like this today🫠

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Isabellex - wake up glam, jk I don't look like this today🫠

liked by calfreezy and 3,285 others.
@calfreezy - bet you still look fitttt🔥
                        @isabellex - I wish🤕😂

Cal was such a sweetheart, I'd never met a guy like him. Just as I was about to close Instagram I had a new message pop up.

Morning gorgeous, how's that head of yours? X

See what a mean? What a sweetheart.

Fucking spinning 😵‍💫 how's yours?😂x

Not gonna lie, it's been better. What's your plans for today? I thought maybe we could get a little lunch, just the two of us?x

Is this a date? It seems like a date. Holy shit.

Sounds good to me! Where shall I meet you?x

I'll pick you up if you send through the address or will you still be at Lola's? X

Still at Lola's 🙈 x

I'll be there about 1 if that works for you?x

That's perfect, looking forward to it!💗x

I close Instagram, the wide grin not leaving my face. I can feel my cheeks heating up. How has this happened to me?

Isn't it amazing though, how someone can just pop into your life all of a sudden and become so important to you within such a short amount of time. I think that's what makes life interesting though, there's always a reason to be hopeful for the future because you never know what good things will come your way next.

Lola's POV:
I wake up, I can tell it's late in the morning and Izzy's gone, I woke up early this morning to get a glass of water and she was here. I climb out of bed, my legs a little wobbly. Great, another morning of waking up still pissed from the night before. Is this my life now?
I head towards the kitchen to take some painkillers and find Isabelle sat at my kitchen island with a big old smile on her face. I can't help but smile at her, she's so happy at the moment, not that she's not usually. She's always been the positive one out of the two of us but at this moment in time, she was genuinely happy you know.
"Gooooooooood morning" she says to me, her smiles contagious.
I smile back at her "morning you, you're happy this morning, I'm glad you're not as hungover as I am" I hold my head in my hand.
Isabelle hops over to the cabinet where I keep the paracetamol, popping 2 out of the packet and grabbing a glass of water placing both in front of me. I take the 2 tablets and sip some of my water.
"So what's got you in such a good mood this morning?" I ask her.
"Cal messaged me this morning asking if I wanted to go for lunch, like a date. I think anyway. That's what I got from his message anyway" her smile growing as she was speaking, if that was even possible.
"Holy shit Iz, my girls got a date" I say shouting throughout my apartment.
"What time are you meeting him?" I ask her.
"He's picking me up from here about 1, can you help me pick an outfit?" She replies.
"Of course, let's get you ready!" I look at my phone and see that it's now 11, giving us 2 hours which is plenty of time, Izzy's low maintenance, she's so naturally pretty, she doesn't need a lot of make up and even the most simplest of outfits she can pull off. 

We start pulling clothes out of the chest of drawers she keeps at my apartment, she was only ever meant to keep a couple pairs of pyjamas and loungewear sets in there but over time the drawers have filled with a little bit of everything from pyjamas to dressy outfits from when she's come straight to mine from a night out, even though I never joined her.

After 10 minutes of going through god knows how many outfits she decides to stick with a pair of light blue jeans and a white turtleneck. I look around my bedroom to see piles of clothes thrown all over and laugh to myself, all this mess to end up wearing a pair of jeans and top. She's lucky I love her. Izzy notices me looking around before standing up "let me get all this away" she says. I smile at her "I'll sort it all out when you've left, don't be silly. Let's just get you ready"
"Are you sure? I know you don't like a mess" she says concerned.
"Shut up you doughnut, I can deal with it for a couple hours, it'll take me less then 5 minutes to get it folded and away again" I reassure her.
She was right though, I hated any mess. I'm a proper clean freak, like everything's always immaculate. It all comes back to my relationship with Jamie. I never used to suffer with OCD at all but he made me this way. I'd spend my days off cleaning constantly to keep him happy and even still that wasn't enough. I feel myself thinking back to the way things used to be for me.

**flash back**
"What the fuck have you done all day? Sat on your fat arse? Why's there still washing up from this morning. The kitchens a fucking state Lola. You good for nothing cunt, you call yourself a woman" Jamie huffs, throwing a glass at the kitchen cupboard causing it to smash everywhere.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll- I'll- I-" I try to speak but nothings coming out.
"You'll fucking what?" He's screaming at me by this point.
"I'll sort it all out now. I'm sorry" I stutter.
"That didn't answer my question though did it. What the fuck have you been doing all day? What's been so important that you couldn't do it earlier?" He's moving towards me. I feel myself backing away from him, into the corner of the kitchen.
"I- I- ... I went for a lay down, I was feeling unwell. It was only a little washing up. Everything else is done already" I say. Still backing away from him.
I hold my hand up to my cheek, the impact of him hitting me not even a shock to me anymore but the pain is awful.
**end of flashback**

"Lola" "Lo" "LOLA" Izzy shakes me pulling me away from my thoughts. "Are you ok?" She asks. I shake my head, trying to get rid of my thoughts of him.
"Ye..yeah I'm fine. Sorry" I say, my words a little shaky.
"What happened? You were thinking of that arsehole weren't you?" She asks.
"A little yeah, but I'm fine. It's good. I'm good. Let's get you ready" I say to her but she's not convinced. She sits me down on the edge of my bed, sitting down next to me with her hand resting on my thigh.
"Lo, I really think you should speak to someone. I think it will really help you move on from it all"
I know what she's insinuating here. She's been asking me to find a therapist for a couple months now.
"Not like that babe, you zone out regularly and it's so hard to bring you back round again. I think talking about it to a professional will really help you"
I know she's only looking out for me, but she has no idea what it's like to go through what I went through and to live with the aftermath of it all.
"I'll have a think about it today" I say.
I probably won't think about it, but I just want to get away from the topic.
"Now let's get you ready for your date"

I make myself a cuppa whilst I wait for Izzy to get dressed. We'd applied a light make up and curled her hair slightly, pinning back the top half and leaving the front pieces out for a little bit of face framing.

"What shoes shall I wear?" I hear from behind me. I turn around to face Izzy. She looked HOT.
"I'd go for your black boots that are by the door" I reply.
"Good shout!" She laughs, heading over to the door to put on her boots. She gives me a quick spin "how do I look?" She asks from the front door. I feel like a proud mother. "Cals not gonna know what to do with himself when he sees you. You look *chefs kiss*" i say.  With that, Izzy receives a notification on her phone. She pulls it out from her back pocket.

I'm downstairs beautiful x

"He's here. Wish me luck" she runs over hugging me tightly.
"You don't need luck, have a good time!" I reply.

And with that she was gone and for the first time in days, I was alone in my apartment, with just my thoughts for company.

A/N - sorry this was just a little filler chapter. I hope you liked it though! Please do let me know your thoughts. What you'd like to see, any ideas. I've got so much noted down that I'd like to add in but I don't want to cram it all in within a few chapters and then be left with nothing you know.
Thank you for the favourites and reads so far, I appreciate it so much.
L x

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