Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning surrounded by warmth and comfort. It had been years since I've last slept on a bed let alone one this gigantic. I flopped on my back and stretched before sitting up. The aroma of freshly made pancake and bacon fills my nostrils. With one final yawn, I looked around the room I was in. The room room had a black, white, and gold color scheme to it. Exactly how I pictured a royal guard's room to look like.

"Oh good, you are awake," Levi said while standing at the doorway and scaring the daylights out of me

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"Oh good, you are awake," Levi said while standing at the doorway and scaring the daylights out of me.

"Can you give a warning next time?" I asked while placing a hand over my heart.

"Sorry little one. I came to wake you up for breakfast. The furniture and some clothes will be delivered later in the afternoon. I'd like to discuss your rules and answer questions before hand."

"Lead me to your bacon." I said while moving to leave the room. Levi picked me up before I even got to the doorway, causing me to pout once more. "I'm pretty sure I can walk on my own now."

"You are not allowed on the stairs without someone carrying you. You are a lot shorter than I am and the stairs are steep for you."

So like a fricken child, I was carried down the stairs. He placed me on a chair that already had a plate of food waiting. My mouth watered as I saw the delicious golden fluffy cakes. It took everything to wait patiently for the slow griffin shifter to sit down. I looked at him hopefully, waiting to be allowed to eat it.

"You don't have to wait for me Shailyn just take it slow alright?"

That was all I needed to start digging into the pancakes and bacon. There was scrambled eggs on the plate as well but I didn't care much for the texture.

I ate a whole pancake along with two strips of bacon. I gently pushed the plate away and began playing with my sticky fingers. How the syrup got on me in the first place is a mystery. My utensils were used yet somehow, the syrup still found it's way onto my hands.

"Since you are done eating little one, let's go over the rules," Levi speaks up in between bites. "We will keep it simple for now until I get to know little you. At least try and keep an open mind about them."

"Why do I even need rules when I'm not little?" I asked, not understanding why it was necessary.

"Because it is very clear to me that you have some bratty tendencies. It is my job to keeping you safe and healthy. Failure to follow my rules will come with consequences. Attempts to run back to your street life will also come with consequences since that would be putting you in danger. Ready for your rules? There is only eight for right now."

I began to fidget in my seat. "What if I struggle to remember them all?"

"Don't worry, I have them written down for you as well. After lunch we can decorate it and you can pick a spot to put it." My guardian assured me.

This did help me feel a little better so I nodded. "Fine, what all is on that list."

"Ok so for right now we have:

1: Be kind to others and yourself.

2: No foul language, tantrum throwing, or name calling

3. From now on you will refer to me as Papa.

4. You will listen to me when I tell you to do something. In return I promises to never abuse your trust in me.

5. You are to never lie to me and I expect you to tell me when something is bothering you.

6. You will never leave the house or go near the stairs without the company of me or a trusted adult that I approve of.

7. Bedtime is eight thirty pm on weekdays and nine thirty on weekends.

8. Attend all your tutoring classes like we agreed upon and do the best you can. You can always ask for help if you need it."

I groan at the second to last one. "Only grandma's go to bed that early." I whine.

"Grandmas and little ones who need their rest. Now as I said earlier, failure to follow rules comes with consequences. Your punishments include:

1. Time outs

2. Writing lines

3. Early bed times

4. spankings

5. groundings."

My mouth flew open at the fourth one. "What? No one said anything about spankings until now."

Levi raised an eyebrow. "Did you think my strike two warning yesterday was an empty threat?"

"Well kinda, yeah." I answered honestly.

"You know I can't just let you run around freely. Good behavior does come with rewards though. Would you like to hear those?"

Now this guy was talking my language. I leaned forward with interest, "Yes please."

The griffin chuckled. "Alright with good behavior comes:

1. New stuffed animals or toys

2. Trips to the park

3. Candy or ice cream

4. Days at a Zoo, aquarium, or any other fun events.

5. Later bed time."

These seemed like really nice rewards. I'm honestly quite shocked at how fun they sounded.

"Are you OK with everything I just went over? The only one not up for negotiation is the spankings. I would never give more than you can take and you do have a safe word. You can use the universal red or you can create your own to use."

Damn this man knows me well. "Waffles. I want the safe word to be waffles."

"Waffles it is then. Let's get your hands cleaned up now."

He stands up and gets a wash cloth before running it under warm water. My hands are taken into his as he carefully wipes the syrup off each finger. Once they were clean he tossed the cloth down a laundry chute before turning back to me. "So, your furniture is going to be here in a couple hours. While I prepare your room we can put a movie on in the living room. If I let you pick the movie, can I trust you to stay and not run?"

A movie? He will let me watch those? Oh my gosh, there is this one movie that I have been dying to see again. "Put the 'Neverending Story' on and I promise you that I won't move an inch."  (cuz dat movie slaps. If you hasn't seen it, you should. It kinda an older movie but it goods 😌)

"Nice choice. That's one of my favorite movies, let's go get it set up for you."

And that is how I kept entertained for an hour and thirty two minutes. And then I found out there was a sequal. With my caregiver's approval I watched the whole hour and a half of that movie. I'll let you know what I thought about it in the next chapter.

Wonder what type of furniture she is getting 🤔 Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter. Love you guys 🥰

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