"Good I've never liked Neo anyways" he gave me a small smile before writing something in his notebook.

My dad was never fond of Neo always thought he was a prick and self centred. If only I wasn't so blind.

"If I may I'd like to excuse myself to the mall, I was planning on hanging out with Eésa"

Isabella's father and my dad has been friends since high school. It was no surprise we'd get along as well.

He nodded and allowed me to leave.

I got dressed and sprayed on some perfume before waiting outside for Eésa.

She texted me saying she's around the corner and shortly I saw her pull up.

"So got an idea on what dress you want to wear too the prom" she was sipping on a Redbull while driving She wore a grey sweatpants with a fitted black tank top and black sunglasses.

"I actually don't know to be honest and you what you planning on wearing?"

"Most probably a red silk dress I don't know we'll go check today" we smiled at each other and pulled in front of the mall.


"Ugh there's nothing interesting here like honestly the dresses aren't even that good"

I watched as Eésa schemed through the racks looking super irritated. She must love shopping huh.

"Oh don't worry I'm sure there'll be something you'd find to wear I mean, the prom is only in two weeks no biggie"

She gave me a look of concern before going full on promzilla on me "no biggie? No biggie! Girl this is prom two weeks will fly away just like that and the next thing you know we don't have dresses girly, so I suggest we find one now"

I just sighed and went looking around the store when a very pretty dress caught my eyes.

It was a baby blue dress withots of glitter on and by the waist it was almost a corset. It looked really beautiful.

"I know Sebastian will be star struck when he see's you in this dress" she must have known I was staring since she was also gawking at the dress.

"Take it, it'll look good on you" for once I listened to her and bought the dress getting really excited to know Sebastian's reaction to this dress.

"Do you want to get food, I'm starting to get hungry" Eésa shrugged her shoulders and headed straight out the door looking for the nearest restaurant to eat. It was quite busy today seeing as there was a lot of teenagers looking for dresses or suites for the dance.

I wonder what Sebastian will wear?

"So any boys in your life Bella" she was drinking some water but came to a halt when I brought up the subject "not really haven't found any guy interesting you know" she looked like she was kind of upset that she couldn't get herself someone to be in a relationship with but shook it off and ate more of her french fries.

"You'll find somebody when the moment is right" I squeezed her hand gently before taking a bite out of my burger savouring the taste.

GAME CHANGER || book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant