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 Scales: Vary from silvery gray to a blue-gray. Diet: Mainly carnivors, can eat certain plants; mint leaves, strawberries, oranges, carrots, and apples but mostly stick to meat. Unusual Characteristics: Have fur along the spine that can be in any pattern of grays, silvers, and sometimes blues, (Similar to a sandwing's windbreaker thingy, minus the colors). If hatched under ALL FULL THREE MOONS they often are albino, (All white) with silver paterns on the wings (More likely in females than males). Abilities: Have very strong jaws and claws, travel in packs, bone curddling howls that can literaly make animals and dragons be paralyzed for up to five minutes if trained and fully-grown, (Only occurs in males). Have a howl similar to a siren's song that can put animals and dragons in trances making them easy kills, (Only occurs in females). Habitait: Deep forests, deeper forests, and mountains (Sometimes).                                                                                                          Why they aren't drunk with power and ruling the world by now: WolfWings are a very calm tribe, they do not go around killing dragons and hypnotizing them (unless you are on their turf). No one knows were the wolfWing villages are, (Spoiler alert! they are located in many small villages across both continents, (Mainly pyrrhia) including; the huge mountain range stretching along the sky kingdom, and any large abandoned forests.

p.s I belive Forestshadows had a WolfWing dragon on the Wings of Fire Fanon Tribes Wiki, it is very different from mine though, I suggest you still go check it out though its pretty cool!

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