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*Six Years Ago: Yazmin's 10th Grade Year*

Kedim and I sat on the couch in their living room. We were both playing the game. About an hour ago we all got back from school. "Y'all don't wanna take a little snack break?" I heard Ms. Woods ask.

Kedim and I were too into the game to respond. "Okay, never mind then." Ms. Woods walked back into the kitchen.

"Keniya! Dai! There's snacks on the table!" she then shouted. I turned my focus back to the game as Kedim and I were running low on time. Just as I was about to score, Keniya and Dai walked out.

My attention was quickly shifted as Keniya walked by, wearing jean shorts and a tight fitting shirt. My eyes slowly followed her.

"Yoo! Yaz, what the fuck are you doing?! Pay attention." Kedim suddenly shouted. "S-Sorry." I quickly looked back at the tv screen. But by then Kedim and I already lost.

I slowly turned to look at Kedim as he was already staring at me in disappointment.

"Now that the game isn't holding you guys attention, there's snacks on the table." Ms. Woods voiced. Kedim and I got up and went into the kitchen.

My eyes immediately met Keniya's. She smiled a little at me, then turned her attention back to Dej.

"I'll be back. I have to run to the store real quick. I need another jar of sauce for dinner tonight. I trust you all to behave. Yazmin and Dai, I know your mothers so please behave." Ms. Woods explained.

I nodded a little, reaching for a snack.

The four of us just casually chilled in the kitchen, eating our snacks. That is, until Ms. Woods left out the house.

"Come on Yaz, we can finish eating in the living room while we play the next match." Kedim stood up. "But your mother doesn't like us eating while playing." I stated.

"Are you serious right now? Come on Yaz, stop being scary." Kedim chuckled. "Shut up Kedim." Keniya hit Kedim upside his head. Dai busted out laughing. Kedim glared at her.

Keniya then walked over to me and sat on my lap. I immediately froze, completely thrown off. "Get off of her." Kedim told Keniya.

"Yazmin, do you want me to get off of you?" Keniya looked back at me and asked. "I-uh-" I stuttered. "See. You're making her malfunction. Get off." Kedim pushed Keniya.

The two then started fighting.

"Okay, stop before y'all break something." Dai chuckled, tryna pull them apart. "Yaz! Help!" she continued to laugh.

I got up and pulled Kedim and Keniya apart. "Leave Yaz alone." Kedim told Keniya.

"You want me to leave you alone Yazmin?" Keniya asked. "Uh..." I struggled to speak. "You wanna hug?" Keniya then smiled. I took a huge swallow by accident.

My body tensed as Keniya wrapped her arms around me. She smelled so good...

Kedim gagged a little before leaving the kitchen.

"Oh Yazmin. Dai and I are going to a birthday party later on and...I need your help." Keniya expressed, slowly pulling away from the hug. "Help with what?" I wondered.

"Choosing an outfit. So when you're done with Kedim's boring ass, come to my room okay?" Keniya smiled, running her acrylics down my arm. I nodded a little, shivers running down my body.

As Keniya and Dai left out the kitchen I heard them whispering and chuckling.

I awkwardly went back to eating before joining Kedim in the living room again. We played a few more rounds of the game. While we waited for the next round to start, Keniya texted my phone.

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