keeping it private

Start from the beginning

his arm and we laugh "sorry about that matt i just haven't seen you guys in 3 days i've been miserable"

i say falling dramatically back into my seat, i haven't seen them in 3 days because my parents came home

and said they wanted "family time" i love my parents but it was complete bullshit they only wanted me

home because someone from there work was visiting and they wanted it to look like we were a big happy

family i stayed in my room basically the whole time they were home and i was so relieved when they told

me they were leaving for another work thing "how did that go by the way? seeing your parents" chris asks,

i sigh "it was fine i just wish that when they say they wanna spend time with me that they actually want to

spend time with me and not just try showing me off for their work friends you know?" he reaches over for my

hand i smile and take it "your staying the night right?" i nod "yup i need to i can't be in that house i swear

3 days of being there without leaving was torture" they laugh, we finally get to their house i jump out and run

inside to go straight to nicks room "hi bestfriend i missed you" i say jumping on his bed "hey how was

your parents family thing?" i huff "it was boring and not needed they barely spoke to me the entire time

they were home" he hugs me "well let's start filming get your mind off of it" i nod and we walk out of his

room, "you guys ready?" he asks matt and chris nod "which video are we filming first?" matt asks sitting

down at the table "mine? so after we film yours we can eat whatever it is you have planned to bake and watch

movies" i say grabbing my stuff out of my bag, they nod "sounds good" i hand them the chalk boards

and some chalk "you guys know how this works right?" they nod "yup but what does the winner get" nick asks

i didn't really think of that "how about winners choice, whatever you want to do i'll do and pay for it" they all

smile "that sounds like a great idea" i grab my camera and set it up on a tripod, i have like 10 questions and

another 2 in case we need a tie breaker

filming the youtube video*

"hello everyone my name is arianna welcome back to my channel, today i am with my bestest friends the

sturniolo triplets!" they all smile "introduce yourselves", they all wave "i'm nick", "i'm matt", "and

i'm chris" i smile and sit next to them "today we're going to do a little quiz challenge to see which one of

them knows me better and the winner gets to choose there prize because i couldn't think of a prize" we laugh "i'm going to ask them 10 questions and they'll

write there answers on their chalk boards the one with the most answers right wins easy enough right boys"

they nod "i have this in the bag you guys i'm literally her boy-" chris corrects himself "her bestfriend" i laugh "well let's get this started huh" i pull out my

phone and go to my notes app

"first question, what was the name of my favourite stuffed animal growing up?"

nick's answer "luna"
matt's answer "gilbert"
chris's answer "pascal"

i smile at their answers "chris is right" matt and nick both look at me in disbelief "your kidding right" nick

wanna be yours { chris sturniolo }Where stories live. Discover now