Quickly stopping once I heard the door knob turning.

Shaken to my core as I was frightened quickly removing my hand and fixing myself.

"Weh the fuck yah do ina mi room!?" A voice said as the door kicked open.

"I- uh-" The words stumbled from my mouth unable to regain them.

"Fuck yah do ina mi chain? Cya tek hint and dem ting deh?" Jayce walked over to me snatching the chain from around my neck causing me to gag.

My eyes rolled back as it turned me on.

I might be a bit crazy.

"Fucking psycho."

"The fuck? Yo, Desiree. Stop bomboclaat ramp wid mi." His right hand clasped onto my neck as we locked eye contact.

Fixing myself into the kneeling position as I was ready to lock lips with him.

My eyes watering once I realized his hand was still on my neck, his face darkened and he was not in the mood to kiss or fuck me.

"Ja-" I couldn't finish saying his name before I was breathless and coughing his grasp tightened adding his other hand onto my neck with the wrong intentions.

Kicking his chest as I crawled back to the headboard revealing my breasts in the quick movement I just made.

Fixing my shirt before feeling the bruises left on my neck as they stung.

"I feel like that wasn't my best friend that night.. that was the devil."

Pulling my knees to my chest as I wasn't about to show signs of weakness. That's not how my father taught me.

Instead I reflected on how my dead uncle molested me the one my parents left me under his urgent care.

Which is exactly why he's dead.

"You could've killed me Jayce." My voice finally broke out with a hint of sadness.

Pinching the bridge of his nose before sitting on the side of the bed, "Nah guh eva do dat to yuh Des...but sometimes the way yuh pree life just fuck up."

"Mi nah guh continue tell yuh seh we cya deh, and yuh in yah doing God knows what with my chain on that I made with another girl's initials on them." He added.

"Yuh all ina mi boxers dem badman, suppose mi did nasty and have bay shit stain ina dem bad bro."

The sniffling that turned into mini laughters as he said that, I'm not going to sit here and pour my life out on a man who doesn't want me.

That's embarrassing.

"Finally- Dreezas."

He will want me someday though. I'll just give him some space to breathe for a bit.

"Mi give up. She's lost."

Now onto that bitch he likes so much.

Weh she ave weh mi nav? I'm pretty as fuck firstly.

"I'm keeping these by the way." I stare at the boxers and he nods pointing me to his door as he was now situated in his En Suite Bathroom with the door unlocked with his shirt off.

Suh yah tell mi seh mi cya stay and peak likkle bit?


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