1. In which we meet my dysfunctional family. Seriously

Start from the beginning

"Ha-ha, love ya too, Mum. Bye!"

Yup. That's about all you need to know about Mummy.


I grinned, "Can I sit here? I'm new, well, you know, a first year new, anyhow! Wow, I love your dress! Where'd you get it?"

"I don't really think it'd suit you...sorry. Besides, you're a newbie, I'm in second year, loser."

"Sorry...I'll find another compartment then."

The whole train ride went like this. I finally found where Gabriel had seated himself – with the Weasley-Potters, no less. I walked in glumly and asked him if I could sit here. The most...confident one was about to refuse (and not so politely as some of the others' either), but Gabe thankfully pulled me down first, and introduced me as his sister.

I arrived and was promptly sorted into Ravenclaw, away from Gabe in Gryffindor, and a sweet girl who was their cousin, in Hufflepuff.

I talked to the girls in my dorm, but three of them were slutty, uninterested in little me, with my messed up hair, and sliding off glasses.

I made cautious friends with a quiet girl whose bed was next to mine, and we became fairly good friends. She wasn't teased like me; she had straight brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a slight tan – an average girl that everyone ignored.

You remember that boy I mentioned, the confident one on the train?

That's James Potter, Hogwarts new golden boy, along with my brother and Freddy Weasley. They were liked, respected, adored by girls, badass pranksters.

And I was usually at the butt of their pranks. Of course not when Gabe was involved, but their friend group was bigger than just those three, and sometimes they'd do stuff without Gabe. Also, kicking and pinching in corridors, knocking my books onto the ground, calling me names, cyber bulling too – sending texts saying what torturous things they'd do to me next; threatening me if I came to dinner some nights, leaving me with a grumbling stomach – little me didn't know about the kitchens.

So, all in all, life sucked.

That quiet girl who was my only friend moved at the end of third year to somewhere in Asia with her family, and then sent tempting letters back, saying how everyone was so much nicer, and they didn't care if you wore glasses, or were blessed with messy blonde hair.

By the end of fourth year, I'd had enough. I couldn't stand any longer with the bulling, and now no friends either, and I'd let two of my brothers watch me break, I wasn't going to let my youngest, baby brother see what this school had done to me (since he was attending next year).

 I convinced my parents to let me move – Mum was instantly okay, she'd seen how I'd changed and become sad, quite and winced a lot – even at everyday sounds like the door slamming.

She got me a councilor (ugh), who said I was starting to get depression, and had been subjected to serious cases of bullying, both physical and mental.

Dad was harder to convince. He'd attended Hogwarts, and had two sons flourishing there, why couldn't I? But he knew that forcing me to stay was wrong, and let me move to Beauxbatons – my angel school.

I could already speak fluent French, and my style fits in with the French much more than with the English.

I moved, and instantly loved it. Everyone was nice, inviting me to sit with them on the carriages and at meal times. They loved me, for who I was, and I didn't need to be ashamed of my glasses and hair, many of them said they wished they had my hair. I was at home.

This was my home.

Everything about the school was better – the hallways weren't damp and dark, made of moldy old stone, they were clean, cream-plastered walls, with hanging chandeliers and long French windows, and opening French doors onto numerous balconies.

While Hogwarts' grounds had dying grass, a lake no one dared swim in, and trees that tried to kill you, Beauxbatons had a beautiful beach onto the Mediterranean that was always warm, set gardens with clipped hedges and rows of flower beds, with alcoves with little metal-but-it-looks-like-lace chairs and tables, and stables filled with Hippogriffs and other animals that could be rode or flown on during weekends.

Even the uniform was better – rather than dusty black robes, long, pleated black shirts and hideously discriminative ties (in house colours), we have beautiful baby blue that hugs curves, and makes everyone look beautiful. And, we have those adorable hats, and matching shoes!

We don't sit at house tables, where you can't have friends who aren't in your house, there's no such rivalry – we don't even have houses. The years are much smaller, and everyone (almost) is a friend, so we sit at tables by years – one and twos, who, rather than being teased, are called cute, and doted upon – three and fours, who cannot avoid at least a minimized version of the slutty-lost-I'm-too-cool-for-this-shit years – Five and sixes, who look after most of the school, and take care of littlies – and a table dedicated just for us seventh years, while we freak about exams, and live it up for our last year of bliss.

Also, Dorms are done differently – they're in friendship groups – I know, right?! It's like in "St. Trinians", where all the girls have groups – the geeks, 'Posh Totties', emos, first years, etc.

We have two big common rooms, one for years 1-4 and the other for years 5-7. Dorms are set up with First years all together, then groups of similar people all dorm together – the smarties, sluts, popular kids', etc. These are (obviously) divided into boys and girls, and then into the two age groups.

Little did I know, the amazing people I sat with, and got along so well with were in the 'darling' dorm – the popular one. So I was one of them, all the students loved me, and this just boosted my confidence. I didn't change, not really. I just turned back into what I was before I'd gone into my little depressed shell – a happy, sparkling champagne bubble.

And now, I was a proper French one, too.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my story!

This chapter was really long, too, but please please please comment and read! And it will get better... have faith and click that button --->

I attatched a picture of Arabella on the side, she's by Erin Heatherton who is incredibly pretty, so... yeah....

I'm also going to do Polyvore sets (clothing), so I'll give you a link for each chapter, and you can see the kind of clothes and people I imagine as each of the characters!


-Ali xx

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