Yato's revenge?

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A/N: Hey Peeps sorry about the camp thing. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

~~Later that night~~

Yukine and (Y/N) were sound asleep while Yato, Hiyori, Diakoku, and Koufku were talking in the other room.

"Oh so that's what happened, sorry Yato." Diakoku said finally understanding the snowball incident.
"Yeah." Yato spoke and Koufku looked at everyone and smiled.
"Yatoo-chann??" She spoke and everyone looked at her.

"Have you ever thought of getting revenge on the two lovebirds?" She asked and Yato gave her a questioning look. "Revenge? On my shinki?" He spoke as if it was a unknown concept.

"Yep!" She said and Diakoku gave her a questioning look. "Koufku, what do you have planned this time?"

"Think about it Yato, you've gave them way too much forgiveness. Think of all the times that they've pranked you."

Yato though to the time awhile back when (Y/N) and Yukine threw him down the stairs, etc.

Diakoku gave Koufku a look and picked her up. "Sorry Yato, looks like she got to drunk." He spoke and Koufku pointed up at the celling, "looooook there's a Koalaa!!! Swinging from vinessssss!" She gave a creepy witch laugh and Hiyori gave a worried look.

"Is she okay?" She questioned and Diakoku nodded.
(A/N: okay so where I got the Koala thing from is actually a funny story. If your not interested then skip ahead.

Okay so four of my friends, Zack, Abraham, Jackson, and Ryle were picking me up by my arms and legs during Gym class. It was a dare that my friend Rebecca told them to do.

They swung me around and were so post to throw me up into the air and catch me. (This was during 6th grade) they were about to throw me but Zack who was holding my left arm accidentally let go. Resulting in my head bashing against the ground. The rest of them carefully let go of me and Ryle helped me up. The room spun around in circles. "Sara! Are you okay!" He asked and I pointed up at the celling.

"Heh, heh, look at the koala! It's so pretty! Look at the pretty vines it's swinging from!" I said in a drunk voice (according to Abraham) and Ryle picked me up bridal style and asked the coaches if he could take me to the nurse. And believe it or not I actually saw a Koala. But it was pretty blurry and the room was spinning around in circles. XD

It wasn't a bad injury I just took a very hard hit to the head. In the end I was alright and I'm glad to have such great friends (except for Rebecca XD lol JK) Well on with the story!)

"Wait." Yato commanded and Diakoku gave him a questioning look.
"I'd actually like to do something but not get revenge but I'd like to pull a prank." Yato chuckled.
"It can't be that bad Yato-San!" Hiyori stated and he nodded. "I know."

Yato whispered to the four of them and they all nodded.


"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!" Yato quoted and Yukine rubbed his eyes. "Wha-" he was cut off when a banana cream pie met his face. Yukine got the pie off his eyes, he opened his eyes. "Yato what the hell." He said and looked over at (Y/N) Koufku sat next to her.

"He, he, Y/N, wake upppp!" She said and (Y/N) groaned and Koufku brought the same kind of pie to her face. You laughed and rubbed the pie off your face. "Guys this is a waste of pie." You giggled and Yukine blushed.

Yato handed (Y/N) and Yukine napkins. After y'all got the pie off Yato and Koufku got up. "Now, lets go get breakfast!" Hiyori said and pulled out her purse. "On me!" Everyone cheered and ran out the door. Yato turned around and slammed the door.

Yukine tried to turn the door knob but it wouldn't budge. "Yato?" He asked.

"Yato-San! What's the big idea!" Hiyori yelled and Yato chuckled. "It's five-am, no breakfast places are open yet." He stated and (Y/N) looked at the clock and face palmed.

"He's telling the truth Yukine." She stated and Yukine tried twisting the door knob.
"So? Can you let us out please?" He questioned.

Yato chuckled, "yeah...... In three hours." He stated, "we'll all get breakfast at 8:00. I'm teaching you guys about how you shouldn't mess with the Yato god!" He yelled and walked away with the others.
"Sorry Y/N and Yukine. I would let you out but I don't know where the key is." Hiyori stated and walked off.

Yukine slid down the door. "What are we going to do now?" He questioned.
"Well, we have three hours." You stated and Yukine looked over toward the window. "We could try escaping through there." He pointed. You nodded in agreement.

Yukine walked over toward the window and tried to open it. It wouldn't budge. He looked down and saw Yato looking up at him. He smirked and held up the key. Then he held up a sign. "No funny buissiness while while the two in there." It read and Yukine blushed, walking away from the window. 

Yukine lied down on his pallet and (Y/N) did the same. They faced each other.

"Yukine, it's only three hours." You stated.

"Yeah, and I have you to keep me company." Yukine stated and smiled, (Y/N) blushed.

You got up and paced back and forth. Yukine sat up, "You alright?" He questioned.

You looked at him and blushed in embarrassment, "Yeah. Just trying to remember my past life. And I've been wondering why we get a second chance to live on this world." 

Yukine got up and grabbed your hand, "If it weren't for that second chance, I would've never had the chance to meet you." Yukine pecked your cheek and you blushed and smiled. "Yeah!" 


A/N: Hey everyone, I have a question. Would you like me to put this story on hold until season 2 of Noragami comes out or would you like me to make more little stories like this one. Leave your idea down below :D.


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