Gay Pride!

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Gay marriage is now legal through out the states.
Now to me, this is a wonderful thing, love is love and no one should stop that or hate on people for who they are. Now this is simply my opinion and many others feel the same.
On social media many people are celebrating, but some people just have to ruin it for all! Tell people that they are going to hell, that God hates homosexuals, etc. Now they're is a damn war! Some people choose to ignore the horrible things those arses say, while other people see at as a damn challenge, I am one of those people. You want to talk shit let's go Talk to me in the comments on the subject, how do you feel about this situation. I'm either going to make some friends or loose some, here we go.

But in honor of this wonderful day, I thought I would share some of my favorite homosexual ships :3

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