Honey badger 🦡🍯: AAAHHHH I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! And when will you tell us who is it ?

Italian Jesus: soon

Honey badger 🦡🍯: yesssss I want to meet him !

Italian Jesus: I know 😂

Baguette brûlée 🥖 : and for the others how's your day?

Mini Dane 🇩🇰: all the younger have decided to spend the day together

Mini Russian 🇷🇺: Between friends

Mini French Aussie 🇦🇺: just Carlos, Oscar and Stoffel are not here and obviously Alex and George

Fake french 🇫🇷: bjr l'ambiance 😑

Baby bear 🐻: well we are together but the major parts avoid someone...

K-Mag: again those jealousy thing?

Mini Dane 🇩🇰: Ja

Baguette brûlée 🥖 : KEV ?! How was your date?

Mini Russian 🇷🇺: wait Kevin has a date?

K-Mag: why is this surprising you?

K-Mag: but Romain to answer well yes but idk

Baguette brûlée 🥖 : okay we will talk about it in private!

Fashion icon ✨: noo I want the gossip!

Multi 21: wait Fred ? You said that Oscar isn't with you?

Mini Dane 🇩🇰: well yes he said that he wasn't in the mood and wanted to sleep 🤷🏼‍♂️

Multi 21: oh... okay...

El nano: and about Carlos?

Mini Dane 🇩🇰: idk he just says he has something planned

Lord Perceval : @Smooth operator 🇪🇸 

Smooth operator 🇪🇸: what?

Lord Perceval : why you didn't come to the afternoon with all of us?

Smooth operator 🇪🇸: I have a date so I couldn't

Lord Perceval : wait what?!

Smooth operator 🇪🇸: yeah ? Anyways, I really appreciate him and idk how to ask him to be my bf

El nano : you really love him ?

Smooth operator 🇪🇸: yes why ?

Tequila: are you sure ?

Smooth operator 🇪🇸: he is literally perfect! Tall, strong, blond and very intelligent! And funny

Mini Dane 🇩🇰: we have a pb

Gridmum: what?

Fake french 🇫🇷 : Lando just run out of the house without his phone

Lord Perceval : and we don't know where he is nor where he goes

Honey badger 🦡🍯: WHAT ? CARLOS YOU'RE DEAD !

Smooth operator 🇪🇸: what did I do?

Tequila: estupido

Lord Perceval : you are really dumb

Smooth operator 🇪🇸: But why ?

El nano : ok and what do we do for Lando ?

Lion kid 🦁: we have make groups and we search him rn

Honey badger 🦡🍯: I'm joining u !

Jense : ok boys tell us when you found him !

Smooth operator 🇪🇸: and about my question? How do I tell my date I love him ?

Honey badger 🦡🍯:  SHUT UP !

El nano : CARLOS ! Si algo le pasa a Lando, te mataré. Está claro ?

2 hours later :

El nano : still nothing?

Mini Dane 🇩🇰: no

1hour later

Aussie pastry 🥐🇦🇺: what happened with Lando?

Honey badger 🦡🍯: Carlos had a date...

Aussie pastry 🥐🇦🇺: oh.... It's explain all

Honey badger 🦡🍯: he is with u ?

Aussie pastry 🥐🇦🇺: yes he's fine btw

El nano : oh dios ! Thanks

Aussie pastry 🥐🇦🇺: he came to my home 20min ago, and now he is asleep

Short chef 👿 : now that we know that Lando is fine... Stoff?

Waffle 🧇: yeah ?

Short chef 👿 : why weren't you with us today ?

Waffle 🧇: my bf took me in a date !

Fashion icon ✨: wait what ?

Short chef 👿 : oh ! You have someone ?

El nano : I will kill him to have taking my son in a date !

Multi 21: Nando ! He has the right !

Jense : so who is the lucky one ?

Waffle 🧇: Pascal

Little dutch 🇳🇱: Wehrlein ?

Waffle 🧇: yes

El nano :this snitch!

Waffle 🧇: Eh !

Multi 21: don't worry he is a little bit nervous after the lando thing

Waffle 🧇: can I had him ?

Short chef 👿 : yes ! I want to know my brother in law !

El nano : they aren't going to marry!

Waffle 🧇 added Pascal

Pascal : hello ?

Waffle 🧇: hello 👋🏼

El nano : Pascal ! You better treat my son good or I will kill you !

Short chef 👿 : And I will help him 🙃

Pascal : I won't!

Multi 21: guys ! Don't worry about them kid

Gridmum: ok so welcome to the gc

BottASS 🍑: welcome to hell


I might have forgot to post it yesterday 😅

Please help me to find a nickname for Pascal !

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