me and the other me

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"your back" he says sitting on the couch. The surroundings covered in water. "I'm back" I smile. These days I've had more time here. In my headspace with him. Maybe I can forgive him I've considered it after all he's just trying to save me. Us right.

"It's funny how it works how you can think in a headspace" he said trying to break the silence "your quiet today something up?" Of course he can tell I'm not feeling the greatest but don't I feel ok right? "Ah I'm ok just work and stuff you know" I respond. "Oh kay cool over 3 months with that shitty-" "don't talk about him like that...." "Sorry um absolute asshole?" I give him a stern look but then chuckle he smiles.

Also a few months ago was when he was born when he.... It's ok the cops never found out besides he didn't mean too. All the blood on my hands was a mistake....1s h3 a m1st2ke? Stop please. Those types of thoughts have been occupying my thoughts but it's probably all my work causing me to overthink right?????
{He killed people with my body} but he hasn't since and- {how do you know} I trust him now he..he isn't like that anymore- {you sure?} ?????????????????????????????????? {Have you really forgiven him} y3s h3- {killed people without your constant as you to save you} stop thinking these things stop...{how do you know he has changed}

"I don't" I say out loud with a slight voice crack in my voice....No my thoughts are wrong I refuse to believe I refuse I love him now he wouldn't he..... Suddenly I feel 2 cold empty arms around me. Like that how he feels sometimes? He pulled me into a hug not a warm one but one that was meant for comfort but not one that felt like one strangely. "Mikoto you aren't feeling ok you can talk to me you know....I am you after all" he says. "I-im ok don't worry.....hey I love you..?" I say shakenly like my body was telling me it's a lie but it isn't right....

"Why did you say that as a- oh" he started to say then stopped I wondered why but I realized I uncossioaly pushed him away from the hug. "I-" he stood up infront of me shadowing over me"hey mikoto...I'd say my punishment is long over due don't you think." He smiles weakly.
"What do you mean...?"
"I've killed people the blood on my hands doesn't make me sick but it should shouldn't taking away lives should make me feel a way shouldn't it"
"Well yes but you shouldn't be punished for it how would you eve-" my heart stats racing and my mind jumbles what if he trying to say

"Kill me mikoto"

"End this"
"But why would I do that I love you I can't live without you" I frantically stand up. "No you don't" he reached out for my hands and gentally placed it around his neck. "Hey mikoto they say things become eternal when they end...." What is this hands stop why can't I move why won't I move "then would you make us eternal" he smiles again. Then proceeded to lay down on the couch. My hands still stiff and unable to move.
  I'm on-top of him. Hands laced around his neck. "Maybe when I become eternal then I could pay for my sins after all I am you the other you if I pay for my sins you will be clean wouldn't it be better that way" he grabbed my hand gripping then tighter. "No I can't do this I love you why can't you just stay here with me I'm ok really I'm ok I love you why are you making me do this I I....why.." I start crying my tears droping on his face. "Why....w-why...?"

"Because you hate me I'm just a figure of your suffering you can't love something you hate" My body suddenly found this urge inside of me I tightened my grip.

"So when you you that's the whole point of this me...."

He doesn't resist at all why won't he. I need him to stop me

Cause I can't stop myself.

He starts suffocating. Losing to the wrath of my hands.

Where did this start where did it go so wrong.
I don't know anymore. Ever since the beginning. This love for him this bond was it a lie {it was} but that's not true. I tighten my hands even more he continues trying to gasp oxygen but not a single tear of pain to drip down his face.

But I loved him
{You hated him}

He tried to save me
{He only made it worse}

He cares for me that's all I needed
{Cause you were vulnerable stressed out you wouldve took anyone}

But...that's true
{It didn't matter who it was you needed someone at those times didn't mean you had to love it care for them you just needed them their}

I never once liked him he killed people he made my life more of a living hell didn't he

He deserves this and I can finally live normal right
{Right just a little more}

He is almost dead a bit more pressure almost their.


A corpse a always life less corpse under me dead. He deserves this crying...

Where did it go wrong I can't tell was I lying again stress I can't I can't tell which of my opinions are me anymore

"No I'm sorry please don't go ..." I choke out sobbing on his body "I need you here with me I'm sorry I'm sorry....I don't hate you I don't love you but....I need you here it doesn't matter what I feel about this anymore" I cry into his chest "I'm sorry I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you too..."

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 15 ⏰

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