Chapter One

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"Taylor, we're going to be late to dinner with Justin and Erin." Ross's voice called out to her. Justin and Erin had invited them for dinner that night, along with Daniel and Julia. It had been a few weeks since they fixed their "non-exclusive" problem they had put themselves into early in the year. Over the few weeks, since their decision to be exclusive, Taylor has experienced more sexually with Ross than she had ever been with Xander, her ex-husband. She was blissfully happy with it and she knew Ross was as well. She could definitely live having multiple orgasms every time their bodies tangled together. Taylor put the final touches on her hair, pinning the end of her braids up and off her shoulders. She left the bathroom, finding Ross sitting on her bed with this head looking down at his phone. Taylor's cat, Mushroom, sat right next to her boyfriend. Mushroom loved Ross and always followed him around when he was over at the house.
"I'm ready." Ross looked up. "Let's go."
"That's what you're wearing?"
"Is there something wrong with it?" Taylor looked down at the dress she had bought especially for the occasion.
"Erin is going to be so mad at me if we're late because..." Ross grabbed Taylor's hand, pulling her down on his lap.
"Ross!" Instead of trying to get up, Taylor straddled his thighs. "We really can't be late."
"How am I supposed to keep my hands off?" He asked, sliding his hands up her thighs.
"You need to try."
"What happens if I do keep my hands to myself all night?" He asked as his fingers played with the hem of her underwear. Ross was trying really hard not to drop her onto the bed and get lost in the paradise that was between her thighs.
"We'll see." Taylor pressed a kiss to his lips before getting up. Ross followed suit, following her out of her bedroom. Ross took advantage of walking behind her to sneak his hand under the hem of her dress. Taylor quickly swatted his hand way. She turned and pointed a finger at him. "Ross Lee."
"Taylor Leigh."
"Hands to yourself." Taylor grabbed her purse off the kitchen table before they headed outside to the Tahoe. Ross helped her in before getting in himself. The entire drive to the Marks household consisted of Ross listening to Taylor talk about the feature she was doing with the Earnhardt family soon. He could tell she was excited about it and he was happy for her. Ross loved how much Taylor loved her job, he just wished that she would love working for Justin more. 20 minutes later, Ross was pulling into the driveway of their destination. Daniel and Julia were already there, as they usually beat them there. Ross got out first, coming around the front of the Tahoe to help her out. "Such a gentleman." Ross gave her a smile.
"I try."
"Trying to get brownie points?"
"You won't let me touch you, so..."
"You can hold my hand." Taylor held out her hand. Ross gladly took it. They headed to the front door, barely getting there before the door swung open.
"Auntie Tay Tay!" Justin's daughters rushed out of the house to greet their surrogate aunt. Taylor and Justin have been friends for ages, so both the girls considered her their aunt.
"Well, hello, Livvy and Pressy!" Taylor knelt down to give both the girls hugs.
"Did you bring us anything?" Presley asked.
"Just that guy." The girls looked over at Ross.
"Ross!" Presley let go of Taylor and went over to Ross. She held up her arms and waited. Ross picked her up. "Hi."
"Are you going to marry him, Auntie Tay Tay?" Olivia asked. Taylor laughed.
"Hold your horses there, girl. We haven't even said the L word."
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Presley asked.
"If we do..."
"If? There's no if here, Auntie Tay Tay. It's a when."
"How about we go inside and get some food?" Taylor stood up and took Olivia's hand in hers. They headed inside, finding everyone else in the kitchen.
"I thought I was going to send Justin to come find you two." Erin said as Ross put Presley down on her feet.
"You can blame handsy over here."
"You know you love it when..." Taylor clamped her hand over Ross's mouth.
"Little ears, Ross Lee." Ross rolled his eyes as he removed her hand of his mouth. He placed a kiss on the plam of if before letting it go. It was gestures like that that made Taylor swoon over the man in front of her.
"Ross, you want to help me and Daniel outside at the grill for a minute?" Justin asked, handing his driver a beer.
"Sure." Ross followed the pair outside to the patio. "What's up?"
"Did you tell her yet?" Justin asked as he opened the lid on the grill.
"What are you talking about?" Ross asked, taking a drink out of the bottle in his hand.
"Come on. You spend every free minute that you have with her. You asked me to give her dad a VIP experience for the 600 next week."
"So? Doesn't mean..."
"Come on. Even Julia asked me what was going on." Daniel joined in.
"Is this why you asked us to come over? To grill me on whether or not your matchmaking skills worked?"
"No, we asked you guys to come over because we wanted you to come over for dinner. I know my matchmaking skills work, Ross."
"What if I do? Doesn't mean she does."
"She never looked at her ex-husband the way she looks at you."
"Why are we even having this conversation?"
"Just trying to give you a nudge in the right direction." Justin said as the girls all came outside to set the patio for dinner. Taylor gave Ross a smile as they made eye contact. That one smile hit Ross like a brick. Justin's words weighed heavy on Ross the entire time they ate their dinner. And of course, Taylor was blissfully unaware of the revelation that Ross had.
"Ross, push me on the swing." Presley said. Ross knew she wasn't taking no for an answer.
"Okay, kiddo." Ross got up from his chair before following Presley to the swing. "Okay, Pres, how high."
"High! Like, really high."
"Underdog push?"
"Yes!" Presley squealed. Ross grabbed the chains of the swing and pulled her all the way before running forward, letting go and ducking under her. "Yay!" Presley laughed as she swung high. "Look at me! Thank you, Ross!"
"Ross, we really should get going."
"I'm coming." They said their goodbyes before Ross led Taylor to the Tahoe.
"We really need to do that more often."
"I did have fun." Ross pulled out of the Marks' driveway and headed back to Taylor's. As they got closer to the house, Taylor noticed the tapping of Ross's fingers on the steering wheel and his left leg was bouncing.
"Are you okay?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Are you sure?"
"You know when you don't which way you need to go and you're left with uncertainty and..."
"What are you talking about Ross?"
"I love you."
"You don't have to say it back. You really don't."
"How long have you felt this way?"
"Pretty much right away. You know I was an absolute fool the first time we met." Taylor laughed.
"I know you were. Listen, Ross..."
"Here it comes."
"You're going to tell me you don't feel the same way." Taylor laughed. "This is going so well."
"Ross. I love you too. I thought that was obvious."
"You love me?"
"Of course." Ross smiled as he stepped on the gas pedal. "Ross!"
"I kept my hands to myself the entire time we were there. I need to get my hands on the woman I love as soon as possible."
"You're impossible."
"Only for you."

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