"I also know about you and Thanatos. Yeah, he told me all about it. He told me how he was your first. How you would sneak him into your house. How he would just sex you up!" He was yelling at this point. I felt a tear come out of my eye. This wasn't Jay. I know that there is something other than alcohol. But at the same time, this really maybe him.

"Jay, do you really mean all of those things that you just told me?" I asked him. He stood up and walked over to me.

"Yes, but you are my whore now. I won, didn't I?" He whispered. I just stared at him. No, this isn't Jay. He would never talk to me like this.

"You won't answer me!" He then slapped me across the face. I fell to the ground. I held my face and looked up at him. I was absolutely heartbroken. I then felt Nathan's hands on my shoulders.

"Jay, you had better be ashamed of yourslef for hitting Casey." He scolded at him as he helped me up.

"No, I deserved it. When he sobers up, tell him that I have left. When he wants me back, he is going to have to call me." I told Nathan as I left the flat. I walked down the street and wiped my tears away.

I continued to walk away from him. I knew that it was too good to be true. I couldn't look back. I just couldn't think about him. He ripped my heart out. He is truly the only man that I have ever loved in my life. I thought that my heart was literally ripped out. It hurt so much. I continued to walk down the street. I walked back to my apartment and I laid in my bed. I cried myself to sleep that night.

I woke up to see that I turned into my god form. I walked into the kitchen. I saw a shadow person, but all that I did was trap it. I didn't bother to put it in the jar. I walked back into the living room, because I had lost my appetite. I picked my bag up and decided that I was going to go for a walk. I walked out of my apartment and I saw Draco.

"Miss Casey, I have heard about what has happened. I just want to let you know that I support you and your decision." He told me. It was nice to have a friend, even if he was a little blue dragon.

"Thanks that means a lot to me. Now, I am going to go to the park and I will be waiting for you to bring me some ghosts. Is that okay with you?" I wanted to make sure that he was good with the plan, because he was the one who was bringing them.

"That is a fantastic idea. I will see you there in 2 minutes." He then disappeared. I walked to the coffee shop and got a frappacino. I saw that everyone in the coffee shop were just staring at me. I really didn't like that they were staring. I looked down at my outfit and I saw nothing wrong with it. I went to the restroom and saw that my make up was darker than usual. I know that a lot of people are very cautious of the color black. I guess that I just look scary to them. I took my coffee and appeared at the park.

I sat there and wrote down numbers, names, flower types, where pieces of jewelry were, and anything else that you could imagine. Draco finally stopped bringing me ghosts at 5:00. I thanked him for it and he sat down on the bench.

"Casey, I think that you should go see Jay. I have seen the way that he looks at you. He really does love you." Draco says as he grabbed my hand.

"You didn't hear what he said to me. I don't care that he hit me, that wasn't what hurt. It is what he said." I told him. I heard him sigh.

"I hear how much you are hurting. I know that you still love him." I got off of the park bench and stood right in front of him.

"I know. I know how much I am hurting. I have seen his texts. I can't stop thinking about him, but I can't let him make a decision that will ruin his life. I am not going to force him into being with me. If he and I are never together, then that is how it is going to have to be. Yes, I love Jay McGuiness." I admitted to Draco. He smiled and shook his head.

"Then you know that you have to go see him. You need to go see him for yourself and talk to him. Tell him everything. Tell him about me, if you have to. You are just not complete with out him." He told me. He was completely right. I had to go see him. He stood up on the bench and gave me a wink. Then he was gone.

I walked away from the bench and headed down into the garden. This is the place that I had my first kiss with Jay. He didn't fall for Aphrodite. Usually men fell for her, but he didn't. I continued to walk until I heard rustling in the bushes. I had to stop. It was to suspicious.

"Hello? Who is there?" I asked. There was no answer. I shrugged it off as I was going crazy.

"Casey, I think that we have some unfinished business." I heard someone say. No, not now. I turned around and saw that Thanatos was standing there.

"What is it that you want? You aren't even supposed to be near me!" I told him. I know that he already knew. I backed away from him. He just kept walking towards me.

"No, only in god form. There is nothing about seeing you in human form." He said. He had a horrible smile on his face. I wanted to smack that off of his face.

"Thanatos, I am telling you right now, get away from me." I told him. He cocked his head to the side and gave me a pout.

"Little Casey is trying ot give me orders? That is too cute!" He mocked me. I don't know what came over me, but I stepped into him and punched him in the face. It was a good solid hit. His head turned. Once I had realized what I had done, I ran.

He caught up to me pretty quickly. He grabbed me around the waist and threw the both of us, to the ground. I tried to get up, but he had a tight hold on me. He rolled over and held me against the ground.

"You know, after what happened between you and Jay, I would have thought that you were going to come with me." He said. I spat in his face.

"I would never go with you." I told him. I saw that he started to get angry.

"You will wish that you hadn't said that you me." He said. He then put a cloth on my nose and mouth. As I layed there, I started to feel dizzy and tired. He had drugged the towel! Then everything around me went black.







I woke up on the floor. Where was I now? As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw that I was in some sort of basement. There was a large furnace and something that looks to be a water heater. There is a widow, but it is a foot higher than me and it has bars on it. There was a box of straps and tape. I walked around the smallish room. It looked like the basement of a horror film.

I then thought of being in my apartment. I opened my eyes to see that I was still in the basement. I looked around again. I thought that it wasn't working because I didn't have enough power. I tried to turn into my god form, but nothing happened. I started to pace around. If I couldn't even change then how in the world am I going to get out of this?

"THANATOS?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I wanted to see that bastard. I then heard foot steps coming down the stairs.

"Casey, I am so glad that you are awake! I was waiting for you!" He said. He then came really close to me and kissed the top of my head.I pushed him away from me.

"I want to know why I am here." I demanded from him. He scoffed at me and rolled his eyes.

"I just wanted to give you a proper goodbye. Now, do as I say, and you won't be hurt." He had a creepy smile on his face again. I backed away from him.

"I will never ever give into you." I told him. As he got closer, I spat in his face. He wiped it off and I could tell that I had just made him incredibly angry. He grabbed me by my shoulders and shoved me to the ground. I landed on my hands and knees. Then he grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled me up.

"You will wish that you had never messed with me in the first place." He growled into my ear.

Shadows (A Jay McGuiness story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt