Start from the beginning

"W... what's happening here?" Kairi glanced at Atlas as if she had an answer. In short, they both felt like they walked into something they shouldn't have.

"Osha! Sha woot!!" The Oshawott cried out, wailing its arms around and started to charge at the Purrloin who glanced at the Oshawott merely while simply turning to the right and steps forward with a spin, elegantly and dramatically dodging Oshawott's attack.

Even Iris was baffled at the scene. "It's like I'm watching a cartoon..." Iris groaned softly.

This made Oshawott even more annoyed. Gritting its teeth, it swiped its tail and shot an empty soda can at the Purrloin. Where the Purrloin merely unsheathes its claws, swiping the can away from it as the can flies near Atlas and Kairi's feet.

At this point, they were just watching two Pokemon fight and argue with each other. Claw to scalchop. The Purrloin swiftly sneaks up behind Oshawott and loots the scalchop away from Oshawott's hands, running away and hopping onto a staircase with a mischievous look on its face.

Oshawott let out a gasp then stomped its foot, letting out a tantrum. "Osha!! Sha, sha!!" Oshawott shouted once more as it pointed at Purrloin, who only stuck its tongue out and waved its tail mockingly at Oshawott before leaving the scene with Oshawott's scalchop. Oshawott's pride and joy... gone! Just like that from a pesky Purrloin!

"Sha!! Sha!" Oshawott called out towards the Purrloin, but to no alas there was no response from the Purrloin. Then, Oshawott turned to Kairi and let out a surprised cry, backing away from the trainer.

Kairi's eyes widened when Oshawott noticed her, also letting out a surprised gasp. Atlas simply played along only a little of what's happening, Iris hid behind Kairi while Axew stayed hidden in his trainer's hair. "SHA!! Osa!" Oshawott pointed at Kairi which made Kairi confused of what the Pokemon wanted.

Isn't Oshawott a starter Pokemon that you can get? She thought and rubbed her chin while the Oshawott continued to stare at her intently. Then... Why is it here alone? She questioned before Oshawott's loud cries woke the girl up from her train of thoughts. "Awwhh, the Oshawott is so cute!" Iris squealed in delight, clasping her hands together.

"Osha, oshawott! Wott!" Oshawott pointed at Atlas and then at itself. Was it... challenging her to a battle? "You want to battle Atlas?" Kairi proposed with curiosity in which Oshawott nodded impatiently. Kairi simply nodded and prepared for battle position. "Well Atlas, looks like Oshawott wants to fight us... let's show them how strong we are!" Kairi encouraged.

Atlas let out a roar in response and got in front of Kairi, preparing herself. "Let's start with a Tackle!" As the order was said, Atlas charged towards Oshawott while Oshawott also charged towards Atlas at full speed! The two Pokemon clashed and stumbled back.

Oshawott recovered in no time, suddenly blasting a shot of water towards Atlas. "Sandstorm!" Kairi quickly announced as Atlas swiped its tail, creating a small sandstorm that reflected against the Water Gun.

Oshawott ran off to the side and knocked an array of soda cans shot towards Atlas. The large Gible releases a barrage of blue flames, diverting the barrage of soda cans away from them and her trainer.

As Atlas was distracted from the soda cans, Oshawott dived towards Atlas and lunged itself towards Atlas causing the Gible to skid back. "Retaliate back with your own Tackle!" Kairi directed. In response, Atlas briskly retaliated back with a tackle of her own.

"Shaa!" Oshawott cried out, getting flung from the sheer power of Atlas' tackle and landed on the ground with a quiet thud. The water type Pokemon got up from the ground and rushed towards Atlas, knocking over a pile of trash bags that were now proceeding to fall down on Atlas. "Giiibb..!?" Atlas cried out, wailing its arms as Oshawott burst a shot of water to boost the fall. Iris is silently praying for Atlas to not get hit by those trash bags because we don't want a stinky Atlas, do we?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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