Questions are answered... [CHAPTER 16]

Start from the beginning

GIRATINA:[glares at dialga]So, Another timeline diverged thanks to you.

DIALGA:[glares back]Thanks to me? Excuse me, it is so wrong for me to have something fun to watch? Being a pokémon with time altering powers...I also get those needs to see one of the alternate future to happen, instead of it just being a possibility.

GIRATINA:[scoffs]Thats the thing! We all have some rules to follow, by doing this we break the rules.

PALKIA:[intervenes]Father already broke some rules when interfering with the human Dalmos, by giving him the Jewel of Life. Then to rectify his mistake, he involved a Human with the destiny of legendaries....

GIRATINA:[stares at palkia] Dalmos and Ash are two different people, Ash didnt had the same burden dalmos had.

DIALGA: Yes he didnt had the same burden dalmos had when he started his journey but later in time he got a burden bigger than anyone...You know it as well, his will to do anything for pokémons which includes legendaries, Even if arceus didnt make him, the chosen one, he would've still interfered with all the events to come. Even if we take the title away, he still is a human who has Aura signature equal to Sir Aaron.

GIRATINA:[stares at dialga and sighs] Fine... i agree that his one pure human, who will do anything for his friends, family, and pokémons. The boy will still interfere even if he has to go against Mewtwo himself.

[Dialga nods, finally getting through giratina, just because he is doing this thing through a bet with Palkia doesnt mean he didnt have a reason. He wanted to see what would happen if ash had the same type of reputation he had in future during Kanto-Johto Days...he wanted to see how will the events play from then on, Something different will happen? New events? Maybe butterfly effect? he can see the future but where's the fun in that. Of course father had to take the matter in his own hand, sending the Future Ash from the prime timeline, to babysit the past version...]

[While Palkia and Giratina were talking about halting their fight and discussing more serious matter, Dialga closed his eyes and then opened it again but instead of seeing his two brothers, he saw a straight white line but it had many white lines, acting as branches diverting from it in different directions, some branches stopping at one point, others disappearing after a certain point, signifying their end, some branches seemed newly born, which includes this timeline. These branches indicates different timelines, where things had diverged from the set of events which were already decided. The show case of Chosen One's future is being shown to the world right now, being a important figure, he had a huge impact on the timeline. Dialga's actions alone created this new branch, but he regretted nothing.]

[In fact, he was waiting for the new set of events he will experience this time around, After all in each branches there are some things changed which contrast with the prime time-line, Some have a guy named Red in them as Ash's rival and some have 2 childhood friends of Ash known as Leaf and Yellow, each time in these branches a different story resumes, far different from the Prime timeline, which father has already set up. He turns to look at the White straight line, the line which indicates the Prime Universe. The same universe where the future Ash had come from into their universe. Now there was only one arceus, which was the Prime Arceus, but some how he can be in every single universe at the same time. Where the other legendary pokémons had a different version of them in each universe. Strange right?]

[Dialga sighed, as he closed his eyes again and reopened it, seeing both of his brothers staring intently at him, like prompting him to speak.]

DIALGA: I was watching the timelines for some time.

PALKIA:[nods]Good for you, since we decided to halt our fight.

DIALGA:[nods but cant help and question]So now what then?

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