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Inside the Veil

Fang gave Squeak a pat on the shoulder before going back to her room.

"Don't worry, it's going to be fun," she said as she turned to leave. Squeak just nodded and gave an awkward wave.

She was excited that Squeak would be coming along. Maybe she would join the crew more often if this trip went well. She made her way down the tunnel-like hallway to her room. There was no surprise that Claw was waiting for her inside.

Her room was the most decorated place in the hideout. She had paintings of various monsters from folklore hanging around and her oversized coffin was painted with the image of a sunrise inside of the lid. She liked to imagine seeing the early morning when she woke up. Claw was sitting on her purple leather couch next to her art desk.

"Squeak said she's coming with us," she said excitedly.

"Oh really? How did you manage to talk her into it?" He replied surprised.

"I just talked to her. The rest of you might try it sometime, she's really sweet."

"Since when did calling us assholes become a sweet gesture?" He laughed.

"To be fair, you are assholes," she said as she embraced him.

She looked up at him and kissed him. She rubbed her hands up and down his back under his shirt. She could feel his breath getting heavy and he gently bit her bottom lip. She moaned a little bit as she grabbed his hair and pulled it. He started kissing her neck and began lifting her nightgown. She started unbuckling his belt when she felt a sharp pain in her foot. She winced and looked down to see a rat looking up at her.

"Ugh, that mother fucker," she sighed "Of all times, why now?

"Well, you'd better not keep him waiting," Claw laughed, "Why does he always send a rat, and why does it always bite you? You'd think he could just come knock on the door,"

"I don't know but I'm tempted to squash it," she said glaring at the rat.

It looked up at her and cocked its head sideways. It let out a small squeak and scurried out under her door.

"I bet he talks to those little bastards," Claw said jokingly, "He can probably understand them.

"Well, I guess I should go," Fang said. She pulled him in for one more kiss and walked into the hall.

She didn't dread going to Piper's room as much as the rest of them did. She was the first one to join the Vermin Veil over 500 years ago. She and Piper were the only two for a few hundred years so they spent a good bit of time together.

Piper's door opened as she approached it and she could already see him sitting on his windowsill from the hallway, staring out his "window". As she passed through his doorway the door shut behind her.

"You interrupted something with your little friend," she said bluntly.

"I did? My deepest apologies, Ms.Fang," he replied. He didn't turn around to look at her.

"Well, what is this about?" she asked annoyed.

"I would like you to talk with Mrs. Squeak and convince her to join us on our trip," he whispered.

Fang rolled her eyes.

"She's already coming, dumbass I just talked to her."

"She hasn't been as receptive to this life as you. I would really like for her to come. You know her better than the rest so if anyone could convince her it's you, Ms.Fang." He began to slowly spin in place to look at her.

"I already convinced her to come, Piper, aren't you listening?" she replied angrily.

Piper started to float towards her. He was still in his seated position.

"If you could just speak to her, I believe she would come around. I think this trip will be a good bonding opportunity," he whispered as he slowly floated towards her.

"I just told you I..." Fang was cut short as he stopped less than half an inch in front of her face. The air around him was ice cold.

"If you could do me this one favor, I'd greatly appreciate it," he squeaked.

Fang just rolled her eyes. There was no point in arguing any further.

"You got it, boss. Did you get her a dagger?" she asked sarcastically.

"Of course, I got her a dagger Ms.Fang," he started speaking faster, and it sounded like he was inhaling as he talked, "I would like for you all to be ready to leave tomorrow evening. Please explain to Mrs.Squeak that there may be danger."

"I already...Yes, boss. I'll make sure she's aware of the danger." Fang sighed.

"Very good," Piper declared loudly. His sudden increase in volume made Fang jump. He started floating away from her, still keeping eye contact.

Fang turned to leave but as she got to the door she stopped for a second.

"Hey, Piper? Have you heard anything from...him?" she asked quietly.

"Unfortunately, no Ms.Fang. I've not heard a word." He replied sadly.

"I didn't think so," she sighed.

She went back into the hall and closed his door behind her.

Her memories of the night she was turned began creeping into her mind. She could feel herself getting anxious and quickly headed back to her room. She needed a distraction. Luckily Claw would be waiting for her.

Just as she predicted he sat on the edge of her coffin. He had his hair tied up in a short ponytail and had taken his shirt off. She could see the thick scar on his chest from their run-in with the Shadowhunt year's ago. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him this way. She instantly forgot about her past and rushed over to him. She jumped on top of him and he fell back into her coffin. She locked eyes with him and smiled as she started kissing him.

He flipped her over and got on top of her. He started kissing her neck and chest, working his way down between her legs.

Fang moaned with anticipation as he kissed her lower stomach. She reached up behind him and closed the lid to her coffin. The hours slipped away as they shared a night of passionate intimacy.

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