Dare 12

15 2 2

Okay I just searched up what are pierogis and they look like dA aSiAn DuMpLiNg

Okay I just searched up what are pierogis and they look like dA aSiAn DuMpLiNg

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But in Polish version. Anyhoo, the dare is from NgcHanDuong018 and here's her dare: I dare Germany to put salt in Poland's pierogis.

Poland:*cooking some Pierogi filling*

Germany: Now it's my turn for REveNGe >:)))))
                  OI Polen

Poland: Yes?

Germany: someone is calling u

Poland: *Goes out of the kitchen to get his phone in their bedroom*

Germany: *Goes into the kitchen and put SaLt on the pot*

Poland: *Goes back to the kitchen* There was nobody calling me...and what are u doing with mah children!?

Germany: Nothing just smelling them

Poland: *Tastes filling* It...actually tastes...better. Niemcy, what did you add?

Germany: Ack—

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