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On the other side in the shopping mall
Minghao's POV~

I had already called my older brother who's coming from China to help me to give a surprise to my husband. Well Actually,I am one month Pregnant and Jun doesn't know that. I want to give him a surprise but past this one month hwle was so busy that he couldn't get some time for me. After few minutes of waiting, my brother finally came and I saw him running towards me with his arms opened literally like a kid. Even Though He is my older brother but not that older just 1 year older than me.

Zheyuan: I Missed You So Much,Froggie.
He hugged me so tightly that I can't even breath properly.

Hao: HEY! Leave me I can't breath and how dare you call me a Frog huh?! He broke the hug while chuckling and said,

Zheyuan: LOL, I'm so sorry for that Hao. I just missed you so much I haven't seen you for a long long time.he said and pinched my cheeks.

Hao: Oh,So my brother missed me that much huh? He Nodded cutely.

Zheyuan: I can't wait to see this little kitten in your tummy! He says and caresses my tummy.

Zheyuan: Since I missed you so much, give me a kiss just like we did when we were kids.

Hao: But we are not kids anymore.
I tease him.

Zheyuan: Wow,You've changed alot. At first when you got married to your lover you literally stopped talking to me and now when we are meeting after a long time and you are pregnant so you've literally stopped loving your older brother.
I cupped his cheeks and gave him a quick peck on his face.

Hao: Happy Now?
He Nodded while chuckling.

Zheyuan: How when will I meet your husband. I thought he will be here too.

Hao: He is Busy with his work. I looked down sadly,My brother lift my chin up and said,

Zheyuan: baby It's alright,I'm here to help you. Let's go now.
I smile and Nodded Happily but Deep inside I'm Sad. I hope you are the one here with me my Cat then it would be more fun. It's not like I don't want to be here with my brother but I just want to spend time with you. I Miss You,Hao Thought in mind.

Author's POV~

Seokmin: You want now? Hey Jun where are you going?

Jun: I'm going home. I'll make sure to prepare a surprise for my kitten. He said Sarcastically and Seokmin knows what Jun wants to say.

Seokmin: Hey Jun! Listen-- Oh no Hao you are dead,please pick up the call. Seokmin said while calling hao, he tried many times but failed to contact him.

At Junhao's Mansion
Minghao's POV~

I went home alone from shopping mall and saw my husband sitting on the couch,looking upset and furious. I thought for awhile that why is he looking at me like he's going to kill me. I shrugged it off and ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Hao: How was your day Junnie? I tried to kiss him but he pushed me away and got up from the couch and sighed heavily.

Jun: I should be the one to ask you that CHEATER. My heart ached when he said the last word in a annoyed tone.

Hao: Cheater?? Junnie what are you- He cut me and said,

Jun: WHO WERE YOU WITH IN THE MALL HUH!? I flinched at his sudden yell. I thought in mind: Possessive mode on.

Hao: Jun, Let me Explain-
Before I said anything he throwed a picture on me,I saw it and teared up

Hao: Junnie, It's not what you think.
I tried to hold his hands but he harshly yanked my hands.

Jun: Don't Touch me You SLUT!

Hao: Slut?? You saw me as a slut,then why you married me. Don't you trust me Junnie? Every human who get close to me even though they are just asking me for direction you always act like this. Your possessiveness is killing me Jun. Learn to trust your husband junah because I feel like you are not sorry,
You never trust me. If I knew you have this behaviour of not trusting you husband,then I SHOULD NOT HAVE MARRY YOU IN FIRST PLACE!




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