Fell From The Sky

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Adam turned to me, one of his best female exterminators.

"Are we ready?"

It's that time of year. The Extermination is finally here. I couldn't have waited longer for this day. I nodded at Adam. Adam started pacing back and forth in front of thousands of Angel exterminators, explaining and planning out everything. Adam told me to take Pentagram City along with another troop of angels. He started going on about how half of us would target some hotel for redemption. Redemption. How stupid. Who in the right mind would even try to help a bunch of hopeless bastards who'll just bring trouble towards the hotel. Either way, I wasn't a part of that group. Adam's orders were clear. Attack and kill any demon we see. I'm one of Adam's best girls ever since Vaggie turned soft and helped some sinner. They're gonna die anyway, so why spare them. Hell's overpopulation needs to be controlled somehow. It's time~!

Time skips to when the angels arrive in Hell

I started flying quickly throughout the streets of Hell, stabbing and shooting any demon I see until I came across a studio. A porn studio. Disgusting. I flew inside and saw a demon SAing another demon. I couldn't help but feel sympathy for the demon. I killed the other demon and left the spider demon alive. I signaled for him to run and he did, but what I didn't know is that another angel saw me, Lute.

"You traitor..."

I froze in place as I slowly turned around.

"Wait, Lute, I can explain."

"An angel with a soft spot for demons has no place in Heaven"

Lute started walking towards me.

"Wait, Lute, please just let it slide"

Before I knew it, Lute had ripped my halo off of my head stabbed me through my chest. I cried out in pain as I collapsed onto the ground. Lute stood over me and kicked me to the side and scoffed.

"Should've just done your job."

I couldn't even say anything. All I did was lie there, clutching my chest and gasping for air. Lute pressed her foot against my injured chest wound until she knew for sure I was dead. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Lute standing over me with my halo in hand and tears strolling down her cheeks. She wiped her tears and stabbed me one last time before walking away. That was the last thing I saw. The last thing I heard was Adam's voice, but I couldn't tell what he said. Even then, I knew I was gonna die. But what would happen to me? Would I just die and disappear? Well it's doesn't really matter now, I see the light. But the light is blue...

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