"We have matching. See?" She says showing me the same ring on her finger.

 "Thank you mum. It's beautiful" I say hugging her again. I stay in her arms for the next ten minutes just enjoying the safety she brings.

 She gets a text from her phone and smiles before putting it down and kissing my head.

 "Go get ready baby" I stand up and go to my room to get dressed.

I check on what rose is wearing and decide to try and match with her. She chooses my top and I choose my pants and now we're both wearing black. Kinda of looks like we're going to a funeral but oh well.

Whilst I'm braiding rose's hair she tell me all about her little crushes at school. She has like 5. Apparently one of them though had been demoted because he didn't give her a sweet when she asked him.

Rose runs off to show mum her hair and I take the opportunity to check my phone because I probably won't be able to later.

Leo has done his annual Instagram birthday post. He does this every year for everyone and he always gets the worse pictures although I'll have to admit this year isn't as bad as it has been. I'm glad because he has the worse pictures of me ever.

I quickly sent everyone a thank you text who wished me happy birthday. My dad said that he'll come and see me later. 

 "Maddie come down here for a second" my mum shouted up to me to. I put my phone on the side and made my way downstairs.

I stand at the top of the stairs and it takes me a minute to realise who was at the bottom of them.

 "LILY" I shout running downstairs and hugging her. I haven't seen Lily in months.

 "I'm here too you know" Leo says interrupting us. I shake my head and let go of lily.

 "Yeah but I like Lily more" I tell him sticking my tongue out at him. He just rolls his eyes.

 "where are your mothers?" I ask them. They'd never let these two come to a while different country by themselves.

 Just as I ask, they all walk through the door with Tommy in Charlie's arms. He sees me and pulls out of her arms and runs to hug me. I bend down to his height and wrap my arms around him. He doesn't let go of me so I just pick him up whilst I go and greet my aunts.

 "I missed you maddie. Leo and Lily are boring" Tommy whispers in my ear.

 "I missed your too buddy" my aunt's kiss my head and say hi to me before we go into the kitchen and sit down.

Tommy stays sitting on my lap the whole time my aunt's are giving me my presents. They mainly got me gift cards because it means I can just choose what I want to buy.

Lily got me a charm for my bracelet and Leo got me a wooden figure that he painted to look like me. It looks nothing like me but it's the thought that counts.

After us all chatting for a bit, more people start arriving. 

Grandma, Vanessa and Hunter all arrived and so did James, max, Evan and Jess. 

Luckily my aunt's and cousins have already met all of my friends (well apart from Tommy) so there wasn't any awkward first meeting conversation.

We spent the afternoon playing games and running around in the garden. My dad had turned up after out first game of hide and seek.

I'm still waiting to see my godparents. I really want a Lizzie hug.

After I am found by rose I go and sit beside my mum who is talking to Vanessa. She wraps her arm around me and kisses my head. 

Leo drags me away from my mum and makes me join in the game of hide and seek. I go and hide in the bushes which happens to be where James is hiding.

 "I'm glad you came" I tell him sitting beside him and placing my head on his shoulder.

 "Of course I came. Happy birthday by the way" I thank him and just sit there enjoying his company.

 "MADDIE. LIZZIE AND CHRISTOPHER ARE HERE" I look up at James and kiss his cheek before running out from the bush and towards my mum's voice.

I tackle Lizzie in a hug and stay in her embrace for a few minutes.

 "Happy birthday honey" she says kissing me on the head and pulling away. 

Chris gives me a quick side hug before ordering me to sit down on the chair.

 "This present is something me and Lizzie both came up with. I think you'll love it.. your mother maybe won't but who cares" he finishes with a nervous chuckle.

My mum is standing beside Colin and raising her eyebrows at chris. Lizzie makes me close my eyes and hold my hands out.

 "I want you to know Scarlett that this was Chris's idea not mine" Lizzie clarifies.

 "Lizzie chose it" Chris defends.

Rose shouts at him to hurry up and that he's interrupting her game which we all can't help laughing at. 

 "Here we go.."

 Chris places something small and soft in my hands, it stars moving and I immediately know what it is. I open my eyes to a small dog looking up at me and licks my face.

 "You got me a dog?" I ask them. They nod but give my mum a scared look.

 "His names bear and he is 18 months old" I smile at Chris and Lizzie and thank them.

I stroke bears head and he snuggles into my arms.

Rose comes over and sits beside me stroking him. He gets scared at first and snuggles even more into me, he stops once he realises that she's not going to hurt him.

I look up to see my mum's reaction and she is still raising her eyebrows at a terrified Chris evans.

 "You got her a dog? And didn't tell me" she asks him. He nods his head slowly before turning to Lizzie and pointing at her.

 "It was her idea. I just picked him up" Lizzie stands there and shakes her head.

 "It was your idea I just chose him" mum leaves them arguing about whose idea he was and comes and sit beside me.

"Look how cute he is mama" she strokes his head and kisses my forehead.

"I know I'm not really mad, it's just funny though seeing how scared your godparents get." She teases.

I laugh and shake my head at her. 

I can't believe I have a dog!!

I can't believe I have a dog!!

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

(this is the idea of what the dog looks like but you can choose whatever dog you want)




Changes. (Scarlett Johansson x daughter story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora