Chapter 18 - Shimada

Start from the beginning

Genji: "Perhaps now is the time I bring you with me"

Back in the Yokai Warehouse...

Everyone had been asleep... or so I thought. Kiriko silently made her way up to me and tapped my shoulder to which I turned to have our eyes meet, faces inches away from each other.

Kiriko: "Uhhh Hey..."

Y/N: *Yawn* "Heya"

Kiriko: "Sorry for waking you"

Y/N: "Nah its fine, whats up?"

Kiriko: "Well..."

Y/N: "Well?"

Kiriko: "This is probably only going to be the real time we get to spend together, so I was wondering..."

Y/N: "You wanna go out?"

Kiriko: "Well when you put it like that..."

Y/N: "Okay"

She looked at me all flustered but trying to keep quiet, even looking cold in her long sleeved jacket she had put on.

Kiriko: "Huh?"

Y/N: "I said okay, Ill go out with you"

Kiriko: "I don't mean like *cough* that, like..."

Y/N: "Don't worry, you have a habit of doing that too much"

Kiriko: "Okay tough guy"

Y/N: "Someone has to be the tough guy..."

Kiriko: "Alright then, follow me"

I get up after her to follow out of the warehouse where she began scaling the side wall to get to the roof, something I was pretty sure I couldn't do, even with years of trying.

Kiriko: "Okay, climb up"

Y/N: "What do you mean climb up? You think I can do that?"

Kiriko: "Not so tough now are you?"

Y/N: "What does this have to do with endurance?"

Kiriko: "Well cardio of course"

Y/N: "I have a better idea"

Using my head I remembered packing my hoverboard in the bag I carried here. I pulled it out and threw on the wristband to have it activate.

Y/N: "This. Is how I roll"

Kiriko: "Impressive, but how well will you keep up"

She took off along the rooftop as I began to take pursuit, she was fast but it wouldn't take long to catch up on the straight and narrow. I eventually pulled up beside her to take her on in some parkour packing away the hoverboard in the process.

Kiriko: "You sure about that? Id hate for you to lose your edge on me"

Y/N: "You kidding? Keep dreaming and maybe you'll have a chance"

Kiriko: "Keep dreaming? No chance I'm losing to a guy"

We were running neck and neck, across rooftops, through alleyways, over railings and banisters until we stumble across this big gate that I run into face first *SLAM*

Kiriko: "Good one"

Y/N: "If only my spotter looked out for me"

Kiriko: "Stop looking at me all the time and maybe you would've seen it"

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