A flash of green enveloped your whole body and when the flash dissipated you were suddenly in an odd outift.

Your new outfit:

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Your new outfit:

You honestly liked this new outfit, it looked good on you, but then again, in your opinion, everything looked good on you.

And from there you discovered the ring had a cool power.

It could manifest anything you imagined and this made you very excited.

With this ring, you could actually be the hero you always dreamed of being.

Meanwhile Ben found out that the watch could transform him into various creatures allowing him to be the hero he wanted to be too.

And so from then on you both went on to have a great summer, stopping crimes, making enemies and finding out more secrets about the watch and ring.

This is the story of your adventures as the Green Lantern.

Extra Details:
The green power ring you have was also created by Azimuth as a sort of failsafe in case the Omnitrix fell into the wrong hands.

Only those with a pure heart and strong will can put on and use the ring safely.

To those who do not have these qualities, the ring is completely useless.

And only the wearer can remove the ring.

This ring has vast potential, even to the point of being able to defeat a Celestialsapien.

That is why it was made to combat the Omnitrix in case it fell into the possession of someone evil.

Whoever wielded the ring would have to stop them.

Also in this story I'll also feature various Villains from the DC Universe such as Mongul, Starro, Despero and a few others.

Obviously I can't feature other Lanterns unfortunately and other notable Villains like the Anti Monitor are simply too powerful to include.

Now for this harem you'll have various aliens you'll meet throughout your adventures and here they are.

Harem:Now for this harem you'll have various aliens you'll meet throughout your adventures and here they are

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