"You can leave now."

I said, hoping he would stand up from his place. Since I don't want anyone to be around me. But Instead he shifted more closer towards me. With teary eyes I looked at him.

His both fingers made their way towards my eyes gently rubbing off the tears away from me.

"All these years you have cried alone, but not anymore." "Until and unless I'm here, Kathy, I won't let you even shed a tear."

"No matter how sad or how much pain you are in." "I will alway try to comfort you either virtually or physically."

I looked into his eyes,  his words and his appearance were genuinely easing my state.

"Can I hug you?" The emotions were taking over me and I couldn't help, he just simply stared at me. And as a matter of seconds passed gradually his arms spread across.

"You don't have to ask for it, just hug me whenever you need to."

Before I could think of anything or to hesitate even, I immediately shifted myself closer towards him.

While embedding my head onto his chest. His hands went behind back while patting me. And trying his maximum to comfort me which was really helping.

A minute passed as the hug was unbreakable. I wanted it to last everywhere.. I decided to break the hug. But at the same time I really didn't want to. My thought and actions level couldn't decide what to do.

Until then, I felt a drop of water on my face. I shifted my eyes above and looked at Ryan, closing his eyes and engrossing in the hug.

As my eyes lifted above the sky. It was all dark.

"I think it's gonna rain."

I uttered onto which he opened his eyes and glanced at me. Hearing me suddenly it started to shower. We had to be detached from each other.

I stood up and so did he. The showers were gradually turning to huge raindrops. "Gosh it's raining heavily now", I said as Ryan looked at me.

"Let's go there."

He said while pointing toward the cafe near the opposite side of the road.

Before I could think of anything, Ryan held my wrist mildly, while we both speedily walked towards the opposite direction of the road.

As we were reaching nearby the shop we realised it was already closed. But luckily the shop's shutter was huge enough to hide ourselves from the heavy rain.

My whole clothes were drenched. The water from my hair was dripping towards my clothes. Instantly I opened my hair, as I observed Ryan watching me opening my hair.

I tried removing all the water from my hair and decided to scrunch them. "Here", he said while holding a handkerchief in his hand. "Take it", he said as I took the cloth from his hand.

Before I could use it on my hair, achoo. He sneezed. I could observe his clothes were more soaked in water than mine.

"Uhm, here you need it more than me." I said onto which he moved his head denying in a manner. I really don't nee- before he could complete his words and again he sneezed.

He looked at me and an awkward smile appeared on his face. "You're not gonna listen to me?" I glared at him. While holding his wrist I dragged him onto the corner while ordering him to sit onto the chair.

Bewildered, he looked at me. As I grabbed the handkerchief and helped him to dry his hair. Gently rubbing off and squeezing all the water away.

"Don't you know you can catch a cold earlier?"

LOST YOU, FOUND HIM (a rediscovered love) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz