This is going to be funny

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Wings_of_Fire_fan dares Keith to call his crush and tell him that he likes them.

Void: Why is it always keith?! Can you people just give him a break please... KEITH!

Keith: Void, it is 4 in the morning, what do you want?

Void:*Shows keith the dare*

Keith:...Seriously...Okay, fine...*Looks for his phone* little sis, where is my phone?

Void:*Hands keith his phone*

Keith: Oh, thanks...*Calls his crush*

???: Keith, what is it now...

Keith: I like you, lance...

Lance: Wait, wh-

Keith:*Hangs up*

Void: Now that was interesting to see.

Voltron: truth or dare part 2Where stories live. Discover now