Cover: 8/10
Your cover is simple and eye-catching. The words on it are also easy to read.
Title & Blurb: 10
Your title and Blurb are a solid 10! I love your Blurb and everything about it. It's short yet so precise.
Plot: 7/10
If you notice, I had to read four chapters so I could have something to write in this category. Chapters 1 - 3 were mostly talking about her school life and nothing more. Chapter 2 was in a 3rd person pov and I don't think there's a reason for that seeing that it still centered on just Annie. This is up to you, but I'll advise that you merge chapters 1, 2 and 3, into one chapter, to keep the plot entertaining. I love chapter 4 the most because of the actions. It was sad to see Annie get bullied so I hope she overcomes whatever Clara is planning for her in the future.
Character: 7/10
Annie doesn't act like a weakling, only when she's around Clara, so I won't say she has low self-esteem. It felt like I knew Annie so well cause chapters 1 - 3 felt like I was watching her go on with her day at school.
Originality: 17/20
Though it looks like our normal Naija teen fiction, there's something to your story that I love.
Writing style: 18/20
I have nothing to correct, everything was on point.
Enjoyment: 15/20
I felt the pacing of your work is a bit slow that's why I'm advising you to merge the first 3 chapters.
Total: 82/100

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