"Really, it's fine," I said, faking a smile. I continued to gather my things, ready to take my loss and leave.

Colton reached out with both hands, holding me in place on the bed. "Jo, please," he begged, "please stay." His lips were pouted, his eyes wide.  

How could I say no to that face?


Not even an hour later, the downstairs of the house was packed. We could hear the music from Colton's room, and the constant stampede of people walking in felt like an earthquake. We were hidden up in the room, but it was hard to ignore the party downstairs.

Colton had wanted to stay up here all night, not one part of him wanting to party with his friends. I felt bad keeping him from his social life, so we compromised - we would wait up here until one of my roommates brought me a change of clothes, then we would go down.

A knock at the door caught our attention. 

"Jo?" I heard Emma call from the other side. I quickly jumped up and opened the door, pulling my best friend into a hug.

"Thank God for you, Ems," I practically cried. She chuckled against me. 

"Here," she said, pressing a small bag into my body. "Clothes in there. I'll be downstairs with Sam and Nikki, come down whenever you're done." She winked, then turned around and walked back downstairs. I flipped her off behind her back.

"Got the clothes?" Colton asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, just gimme a sec," I said, gesturing towards the bathroom. 

Colton let out a loud groan, knocking his head back against the pillow behind him. "Why must you keep this glorious body from me?" he whined. 

I giggled, walking towards the bathroom. "Never said you couldn't join," I teased over my shoulder. 

Colton shot up instantly, sprinting towards the door at record speed. I laughed before closing the door just as he reached it. 

"But now I am," I laughed evily, locking it. I heard his body slump against the wood, sinking to the floor. 

"Damn you, Princess," he groaned. I chuckled. 

I put the bag Emma had brought me on the counter, slowly taking out the contents. She had brought my favorite low-rise jeans, thank God. I dug further in the bag, pulling out a small scrap of black fabric. It was... underwear?

I pulled out another item. This one was a corset top, black with white lace trim. I noticed the panties had the same white lace. This bitch brought me lingerie. 

Sighing, I pulled on the matching set, happy that the bra at least somewhat doubled as a top. I pulled on the jeans, and looked in the mirror. It did look like an appropriate party outfit, maybe a little over the top but not as obvious as I thought it would be. Okay Emma, you kinda ate with this one. 

I fixed my hair, tossing it around so it had more life. I didn't have any makeup with me, so I guess bare face would have to do. 

I opened the door, Colton's body falling back slightly as I did. I forgot he was still sitting there. He quickly gathered himself, standing up to face me. 

Once we made eye contact, his mouth dropped. His eyes roamed up and down my body with a look of hunger, a slight blush rising in his cheeks. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he took me in. 

His eyes finally came back up to meet mine. "You know, we really don't have to go down there..." he said deeply, taking a step closer. His hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me against him. I felt my breathe hitch at the contact. 

His head dipped down, his lips brushing against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "I can think of a million things we can do," he whispered, pressing a light kiss against my neck, "that don't involve ever leaving this room." 

I leaned my head back, granting him access to even more skin. He peppered kisses along my neck, causing my breathing to become sporadic. I almost forgot about the hundreds of people downstairs - that was, until a loud crash broke us apart. 

I jumped back, startled. 

Colton stood up with a murderous look on his face. "Those fucking assholes," he gritted through his teeth. 

I swallowed, trying to regain my composure. "Colton," I said, and his attention was back on me instantly. I stared into his deep, mesmerizing eyes, and it took all my focus to remember the situation at hand. 

I slowly stood up on my tip toes, leaning into his ear. "Later," I whispered, before pulling away and walking towards the door. He followed close behind me. 


A/N: I'm baaaack!!

Sorry for being MIA, I was recovering from the LSAT lol. Which reminds me, Jo should be getting her score back any day now...

This is a short one but I'm planning to upload the next chapter right after this one, it just made sense to break here. Honest advice, are my chapters too short? Idk how long to write for.

Also the photo is of Jo's ~party fit~ but like with jeans too. I just liked the set, felt very Jo to me. 


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